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Everything posted by Netmaker

  1. what a cnut no wonder the dog game is fcuked pleased I dont have lurchers any more
  2. M3m with two collars on Fb 160 quid
  3. dont know if ya on FB but there is a M3 with 2 collars 160 quid
  4. o/u 12 bore shotgun View Advert [ Italian ] Gardone twin trigger o/u 12bore 27" barrels choked at top barrel 3/4 bottom 1/4 selling this on behalf of my cousin's widow he had new firing pins put in it just before he died which cost £50 the action is still tight there are a few scuff marks on the butt be a good cheap light gun for someone Advertiser Netmaker Date 02/12/20 Price £185.00
  5. try flea bay mate £89 i think they stupit money
  6. happy birthday for yesterday but i still think each to thier own
  7. I DID NOT have it valued read what i said read it carefully i gave the price as a guide to WHAT SCRAP GOLD was priced @ as for yesterdays prices giving nobody the bollox about not selling as i have said its not for sale my grand kids will get it when i die
  8. read what i said i have been skint many times but i still did not sell it when i said it was @ £42.96 a gram yesterday that was to show the sort of money [scrap gold]is making i would never sell it as it is all i have left of my old fella
  9. i was only 16 when my old man died and this gold is all i have of his the times i have been skint i still wouldnt part with it it better than having money in the bank it was £42.96 a gram yesterday have a good night
  10. yer yer yer what ever you say son now get ya teddy bear its time for bed i am 56 yrs old and cant be bothered with a f***ing critic like you
  11. If my son wanted a chain or ring i would buy him them but i have all daughters youngest 32
  12. they had better be quick cos theyd get a cosh round the nut
  13. so i am a woofter coz I wear four rings two gold chains and two bracelets all handed down from him dont ave the fake diamond watch though
  14. so in other words you cant afford it my old man wore sovereign rings when he was a live and he deffo wasnt a woofter if a man wants to wear jewellery thats up to that person there is always a fcuking critic on here
  15. whats wrong with a man wearing jewellery
  16. We get a few from field to mincer
  17. if you suffer from heath issuses you should have it IMO
  18. look who's talking lest we had a good day mmate roll on next time new basket came from Nelson as well
  19. he is mad keen hope he sticks with it
  20. hae a day out with Jon T [off this site]and his boy rabbits bolt well ferrets worked hard ended with 30 good clean rabbits thanks for the day out john
  21. if thats a dig at my labs they put plenty in front of my gun and they are not show dogs they are workers full stop
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