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Everything posted by Netmaker

  1. He's up in the north east mate I will message him but i think it will be to far
  2. who ya calling a f-ckin melon I dont need to climb on the band wagon mush I was simply making a statement
  3. dont bring me in to ya little spat all I said was that am sure i have seen that photo on the front of a book I also said I could be wrong but even my mrs's said she seen it and she dont read these books so reel ya f-ckin neck in
  4. in the early 2000's I think mate I could be wrong even my wife say's she recognizes the photo and she is not in to the dogs Like i am
  5. The photo maybe on the front of the book about gary
  6. I will have a look tomorrow and the front dog look's like a bitch
  7. I maybe wrong but I think this photo is off the front of a book the lakeland terrier
  8. That's what people are selling as purse nets? its a disgrace for a couple extra pence the kid could of have well made nets from the likes of you, me, Nelson but some thing buy a sheet of netting cut it botch a couple of rings on and sell them as purse nets
  9. My labs didn't get that memo they are hunt cover as good as a spaniel and plenty of people have seen them do it but they are calm in a pigeon hide or when ferreting or standing at a peg
  10. Where you at mate my cousin is looking for a 20g for his daughter
  11. Wow and I thought the shop I use is greedy but they are saying its because of the pandemic
  12. I bought 500 cci 22 subs @ £9.75 a 100 4 mths ago went last for another 500 last week and they were 11 quid a 100 and was told the price wouldn't be coming down anytime soon
  13. couple of mine are like that and they are jills they are buggers for it I know what you mean about next year's sport butlike you say you have to go show your face or the farmers will find someone else to do it and its getting harder to gain permission these days
  14. you still getting a few Arry I have two more trips out planned with the lad then that is me finished dug a nest of young'ens wednesday was sick as a pig 3.5ft for new borns
  15. DD not in business think he ripped a few lads off on here
  16. Sean is a good lad we got off on the wrong foot awhile back but we sorted it out well done for helping the lad Sean
  17. The man is trying to get a shop up and running give him a break
  18. That's cheap my mate was quoted £282 and I thought he was bulls==ting was I called the same vet and he was right £282 I was lucky a guy gifted me one
  19. try this man email pete.winn@ntlworld.com
  20. Wish mine was only four miles from home its a 78/80 mile round trip for me everytime
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