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Everything posted by apollo

  1. gellifellin,fairfech,fuckfoof ............. ive lived here all my life, where the f**k is that
  2. Hi John i think this might be a trend, the ones that are good for battery life are the ones that shut down and thus take longer to trigger, we have a stealth cam that does his but its not a problem with us as we only use them on bait points and then the animal is there long enough to get good pics....
  3. Hi as you know i have two of them and other makes, what you might find is that the battery useage is very high on that model i ended up conecting a 6v bike battery to mine to allow it to be left for a week at a time, the wildview that we use can go for a month constantly with normal batterys. I got mine off ebay in america they were sent over and even when i got caught for tax once it was still under a 100 pound, just type in stealth cam or bushnell trail cam and search worldwide.....eddie http://search.ebay.co.uk/trail-camera_W0QQ...ksid=p1638.m122
  4. I am with gwent and had mine done after a year of shooting a 243 and i had had my ticket for about 18 months but what i did was get together a list of dates that you had oppertunities to take your gun on other land that you didnt have time to get checked so you had to turn the offers down, also get a few more farms that you have picked up and need clearing so they can see you are moving on and it would be in thier interests to not have to go check land every time you pick up more, and as was suggested the more shots you have done the better..
  5. So is anyone going to say why topic has vanished ??????? FOUND IT NOW, INGORE THIS THREAD
  6. No i dont do bullys, you do what you got to, enjoy and good luck for the future
  7. You threatening me now, good man THEY WILL BE GIVING YOU A MONTH OFF AGAIN MIND....
  8. I know its a problem ive got, still you have chased all the pigs away so i wont get any new ones will i ?????
  9. I still cant get the topic, he has taken my piggies
  10. f**k me you were right, that must mean you are some sort of super man and every thing you say is true....WOW..... But i thoght you meant the ones we shoot cos theres no chance of that, heres one you didnt stop us having three days ago
  11. Perhaps its a welsh thing
  12. Plenty of them around the dean, im down south too...
  13. Is it my pc or has the boar topic gone
  14. these are the two we use and we have also got a wildview all with night vision, and a few pics we have got......
  15. apollo

    Little Lloyd

    how comes he had two months to go on march the 9th ???? Only two months till im legal
  16. Just to say well done wales you stuck it out till the end........
  17. Is it me or do all them pics look like they come off a gay web site
  18. Trappa its a 308 with a 150 grain soft point.......
  19. We had these two on thursday night friday morning, they came in behind us with another one who managed to escape... Not a bad pair to end the winter on as they dont come there through the spring summer as the grounds too hard and too much food in the forest
  20. He is not the best thing to have hanging round your patch, a bit like crabs, right if you aint going to share your ID with me i will let you get on with it........
  21. pc plod is just another apprentice in a long line of apprentices of the astablishment bring him on . if it is not your name why are you bothered . pc plod has his work cut out unless he gets help from people like you .just remember at least 75 percent of members of this forum are probally doing the same as me . so to all members who read this be careful what you say to certain people regarding our persuits GOOD HUNTING bye the way i didnot put pc taylors name here you did your right i did but he aint a member of this forum
  22. First of all i aint no grass, and he dont need a reason to go looking for you cos he is always out there and dont like them being taken by fair means or foul..... and my name is eddie not edwards, i aint bothered by your posts but im sure there are lines none of us cross on an open forum by giving out peoples names thats why we use a user name as you and others have done and if your so open lets now yours while we are on the subject....
  23. I was just pointing out that the local bobby pc taylor is on the ball when it comes to poaching, just looking out for you, why do you feel the need to put someones name on an open forum, even if it is not mine.
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