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Everything posted by apollo

  1. Turn them on their back and kiss them when your coming , easy............
  2. jp He's a top man , great dogs , great dogman , WELL F**K ME IF HE COULD ONLY TURN UP FOR WORK ON A SATURDAY NIGHT ON TIME I WOULD AGREE
  3. Legal ???? Is there such a thing as a illegal dog... or is it one other people think you should not have because they dont like them, they havent banned rotties and they were the dogs that killed the little girl that got doggos and pitbulls banned over here. I just think that the pitbulls looked the part that was their downfall...imho..
  4. Hi boys is there any chance of a photo of the inside of the fridge, just to make it easier.................
  5. Thanks boys we will see if we can replicate that to your designs if you dont mind.... again good shooting
  6. Thanks for that mate we will be on to that in the morning, we came across a local garage having a refit and we picked up 5 of them and have passed them around our mates, just the job.............
  7. A very good morning by the looks of it,in the bottom picture can you tell me how you fixed the hooks in the coke chiller .....thanks eddie
  8. Ratty you got me there mate, the stick was from when i was a failing dog man. Funnily enough he did used to make a mess of the shinny wooden stock on the riflle
  9. for the purpose of opening a dogs mouth without getting bitt yourself, used on any dog not just DANGEROUS ONES. this one has never been used obviously and is a hickory hammer handle
  10. A good mate of ours has a mate coming over from germany in a few weeks and he is going to bring us some post rub to try
  11. it took some wrestling in to the truck they are very dense in their muscle tone, you dont want to wing one and push it in a corner without a f*****g big dog to back you up
  12. had this last night in gloucestershire
  13. thanks matti i will give it a go and let you know <!--ImageUrlBegin--><!--ImageUrlEBegin--><!--ImageUrlEnd--><!--ImageUrlEEnd-->
  14. I am sir yes the pitbull passed away last year and i aint big enough to wrestle them.......
  15. what do the uk boar like to eat...ie what will tempt them out of the forest when you want them to come and play........
  16. """and more to the point there used for a job, a job that a collie can not do """ My point exactly,untill you have used them and seen what they will go through (litterally) for you you cant comment they are not a status object like their pure breed parents can be but they are much more rugged than your collies with big heads and big brains and even bigger hearts. IMHO Eddie............ """And I haven't got to worry that if my dog get's out its not going to kill an innocent child it will probably lick them to death instead!!""" Dont tempt fate mate, the worst bite most people wil
  17. so I have to wonder why ANYONE want want a lurcher that resembles a pit bull type? Because they are the best type to have for all round simple.............
  18. HAVE BOAR BEEN CLASSIFIDED AS VERMIN YET..... According to the firearms officer that came to see me a few weeks ago they have no classifacation at all as yet.... I dont think it will be long before they are classed as game rather than vermin.........
  19. No sir that is forest of dean gloucestrshire
  20. Here`s ome pics would you say the landowner has a problem or not....
  21. I had a pure pitbull that done his anterear cruciate a couple of years ago and they fixed it with 100 lb fishing line, it took a few months to come right but he did start running with me again and was ok up untill his death a year ago. I dont know weather its the same for a real running dog but if anything can do it its a bull...............
  22. :11: Looks like it alright. 102 since september for me so far this season. Frank. f**k me do you live on a fox farm
  23. Well boys the firearms officer has been and has said that as long as the land checks out i can have an open condition for fox deer and boar so im trading in the rem 700 for a spanking new howa and compact mod
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