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the great white hunter

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Everything posted by the great white hunter

  1. nice dog mate looks like it can do its job atb this winter
  2. nice catch mate looks like youve had a good day keep it up
  3. quality film mate i still watch it when its on the telly lol
  4. just started to fly fish and i can never catch anything can anyone tell me what flys would be best to use this time of year
  5. nice dogs mate i like ya beddy whippet looks like a little belta atb this winter
  6. nice 1 mate looks like youve had a good day
  7. my dog does that all the time when im with my mate but when im by my self he brings them back straight away the fella just full of shit
  8. nice pup mate looks well atb this winter mate
  9. your best off taking him out with an experienced dog first mate and then give him a couple of rabbits but try to get close as possible to the rabbits atb withya pup mate
  10. nice 1 mate looks like youve had some good nights nice dog aswell atb
  11. the best catch my dog done when he was on my permission he was running a rabbit and it tried to get ova the wall but the dog jumped up and caught it on top of the wall i was buzzing cos i thought it was going to get away
  12. nice catch mate and nice dog hows she bred
  13. about 2 year back me and my mate were out lamping and we come to a field and it had a horse in and we started lamping and we seen a rabbit so we sliped the dog and he was running it perfect as he was running it on a straight the rabbit ran past a bath tub full of water for the horse the dog hit and lifted the bath off the floor and the dog broke its neck poor f****r
  14. your best off going to a place riddled with rabbits and when you start lamping try to get the rabbits that are clapped(the rabbit layed tight to the floor) and walk closely as you can and get the rabbit to lift in front of the dogs face and he should problys chase it thats wat i do atb great white
  15. nice 1 mate round were i live its torcher trying to find foxes and when you do ya lamp them once and ya never see them again atb
  16. the best time to go lamping is in the rain ive had some very good nights out in the rain mate
  17. i think there the best rabbitibg dogs going mate mate and they also can do foxes aswell pre ban of course
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