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the great white hunter

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Everything posted by the great white hunter

  1. nice dog mate i lyk the scars on his face atb this season mate
  2. ive always used a blue fiter but i lost it last night lamping proper gutted but im going to buy the amber i used it on my mates lamp and it worked a treat on the long ears and rabbits atb great white
  3. nice dog mate how tall is it tts atb great white
  4. she might not be able to see it mate or she might think that it goin to get away i had a dog that done this but i selt it to a mate and it works excelent on the lamp now killing everthing atb great white
  5. nice 1 mate sounds lyk you had a good day atb great white
  6. ya but a bull cross cant run lyk a deerhound cross becuase a deerhound cross has more stamina and bull crosses get tired easly atb great white
  7. nice 1 mate hope i get a couple of nights lyk that this winteratb great white
  8. alright lads/ lasses im out 2 nyt(tonight) hopefully catch a couple is any 1(one) else out 2 nyt(tonight) atb great white NO TEXT TALK !!!!!!!! Thank-you
  9. soory to hear that mate hope the dog gets better atb great white
  10. i lyk a bit of rain lamping hares and rabbits clapp when its raining atb great white
  11. bin out this morning seen a couple of roe deer thats it but theres always next time atb great white
  12. they look lyk racey things i wounder if they can run long ears well atb great white
  13. nice pups mate i lyk the dark brindle 1 keep posted in a couple of months time mate i would lyk to see how it looks when its older atb great white
  14. thanks mate do you hav any dogs in mate atb geat white
  15. nice pup mae hows it bred atb great white
  16. out in the morning cant wait only goin round the doors but ya never no wat i migt bump into atb great white
  17. nice dog mate is it a first cross or 3/4 bred mate atb great white
  18. some fabulos pictures mate atb in killing more mate
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