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About Little_branch

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  • Birthday 08/10/1989

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    i enjoy hunting, shooting, rugby and playing my pc nd consoles! i know a strange combination of stuff!
  1. Can someone please explain this to me? Im not particuarly new to this site even though i havnet made many posts i have read alot of topics on this forum, and the general thing is if someone trys to get involved in the sport we all enjoy so much and makes a mistake, so many people (not all) decide the best thing to do is give the person grief, dont you think that in a sport which has so much opposition and haters we should all stick together and HELP eachother out as opposed to give them grief and make new people to the sport think we are as bad as all oppostions say we are? ATB Little_bra
  2. I'm iguanaman2442's brother who was out with him today ferreting and i'd also like to say a big Thank YOU to Micky!
  3. Hi all im new on here, Im iguanaman2442's brother, he's talked me into going hunting with him and ive decided its something i am definatly going to enjoy. Ive been out a few times with him and some other friends, i am currently shooting a Air Arms s200, but am looking to upgrade sometime soon! (so ill be pestering you all for some advice soon!) Atb Little branch
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