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Everything posted by Footu

  1. Sticky stick, peanut butter or Nutella. They can't run off with it. Love it to bits. Sit nice and still while munching then air rifle them. The beauty of it is, you don't get to the source and have ongoing sport as long as you like.
  2. Thanks all, I'm inbetween mold and denbigh.
  3. Also found on similar forums.... I shoot clays wildfowl, pheasant,22 rimfire target and vermin 243 vermin and have done dsc1 plus one successful stalk. And I plink with air arms! Cheers all, I hope this will be as engaging as the other place.
  4. I use aa 410tdr. Is pretamper so many years old, bought second hand and I can hit 50p easily at 40 yards. Well happy with that. Use an ex firemans tank as its much lighter than a dive bottle and it's 2.5 years still on its first fill. Only use the gun to hunt so if I go out, take 3-5 shots and come home with a couple of bunnies jobs a good un. I keep the tank in my wardrobe.
  5. I hav a fac .22 and a shotgun and an air arms tdr.22 air rifle. Been shooting since I was a kid and still use the air rifle for rabbits25-35 yards. The fun is in the stalking or ambush. Fac .22 good for longer range lamping etc but you don't want a .22 fac for a 25 yard shot. It just ain't needed.
  6. As you say hanging is to allOw the meat to decompose so become softer. That was because when this method was commonly used the pressure cooker hadn't Been invented. Slow cook fresh kill and it's still tender roasted birds will need hanging still
  7. hi guys, i have just moved to north wales and am keen to learn stalking, am aware that good shooting is mandatory so am looking for a range where i can hire and fire a gun before i look at exams on either sundays or mondays in north wales. thanks for any help.
  8. right up my street mate, just what i want, only the piccies you put up are a right hander arn't they?
  9. Raisins, with fishing hooks in them tied to trees. .....so im told
  10. God i love these, they are wild garlic no? The flowers, not out yet are good in salads, like strong chives. I like getting a chicken breast, slicing it and filling with philly, then wrapping in a leaf and holing in place with a bamboo skewer. Roast or grill or bbq. Tangytastic mates.
  11. Footu


    alternative view- the dogs are che wing your plasterboards for other reason than lack of calcium. Maybe thet think your decor needs updating?
  12. looking for the same myself in a lefty style in north wales/cheshire - dont want to hijack your thread but if anyone calls and there out of distance then pls pass them on. ta- aa s410 would do as well!
  13. i have jst ordered a black lab bitch from good working lines, the breeders are the secretary to basc and writer in shooting gazette, they are both crufts judges. On colour they use black and yellow, they dont like chocolate and advised me that in their time as judges they have only seen 3 chocolate winners.They say they are harder to train. Aside from colour i think that hip score is important, the parents to our one had scores of 5 each, both also eye tested ok. If your going to put a lot of love, time and money into a dog get one with the best chance of good health.Make sure you visit t
  14. In Chester it is still legal to shoot a welshman with a bow and arrow who is inside the city walls after midnight. Unfortunately is is now illegal to carry an armed bow in public, so you get done anyways.
  15. i got banned from metalwork for making throwing stars....... and woodwork for making nunchuks......then technology and design for making a crossbow. crap school, they didnt let you make anything useful just bloody salad spoons and such. Now i dont know how to make pretty much anything, but thats ok cos it all gets imported dirt cheap from china, so i guess nobody is making anything anywhere.
  16. I think if their is any evidence of these dogs being used for fights, they should imprison the owners. I see no reason for anyone to have this kind of breed, sure they can make great dogs but there are so many other breeds available that also fit that bill, these should not be bred any longer.
  17. i often get the urge to kill the misses while having a w##k I think about killing the misses, get a hard on over it then have a wa~k
  18. i think it would be better to soak them in gin, i say this on the basis i sometimes have 'boozy raisins' with game- raisins soaked in a good quality brandy overnight swell up and taste great, the flavor goes well with most gae dishes.
  19. More to the point is where to go- nothing in the su canal, river gowy, river alyn....anyone can spot me a place in cheshire/n wales please let on. I was told the dane is worth a go but its a fair way out, probably cheaper to buy the bloody things!
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