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About aston_shooter

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. There used to be one black one on some permission we used to have, we called him 'Jackpot'. I won.
  2. They reckon on average 6-9 years or something, I know plenty that have made 8 or 9 with decent care.
  3. It's definitely not from just rough play, it seems that hob number 3 has made hobs number 1 and 2 his bitches. Went out there earlier and it was like a scene from the movie 'Scum'
  4. I would think that one of your hobs is going through the motions of trying to mate with the other 2. Not sure how knowledgable you are about ferret behaviour, but when they mate, the male grabs the female by the scruff of the neck and holds her there while mating. I wouldn't worry too much about it as I have seen similair behaviour between hobs and also between Jills too. Yeah, I'm familiar with it in terms of breeding a hob and jill, but never really kept any more than 1 hob at a time so didn't know that the little pansies start trying to bag off with each other! Thanks for that lads,
  5. eyup I have 3 young hobs living together, they're around 14 weeks old now and all of a very good temperement. I have never witnessed a proper fight, only ever play fights, they are all brothers. I've been out to them today and 2 of them have a scabby patch between their shoulders about the size of a 50p. There are slight signs of blood but nothing major. They're not in pain and are as happy as ever so I have treated them myself for now and will be keeping a close eye on them. It's a little further down from their necks than I'd expect from a fight but don't really see what else it
  6. Lol, that's proper sh*t hot mate, nice job!!
  7. 18 here, but the runt of one litter died, so 17 healthy kits from me Kept 3 big hobs, and one tiny jill, the rest all went to good lads, most of them on this forum.
  8. Yeah, you can get one called 'Ferretsheen' (I sh*t you not), and it's scented with Aloe Vera and Cucumber!!! Proper pansy tackle! I wouldn't bother washing them, or at least not often. If you wash them regularly it washes all the oils out of their coats and they can get skin problems, and when you wash them they tend to over compensate and smell worse anyway. Leave em stinky, it's the way they're meant to be
  9. Mine have meat every week, at least once or twice, depends on whether I've been able to get out with the gun. I buy 10kg sacks of 'Ferret Feast' from the local pet shop as their regular feed, costs about 14 quid and is about 42% protein, it's good stuff and they love it. I've just got rid of a load of kits, but I kept 4 of them, they're about 10 weeks or so now.
  10. I've never had a hob doctored yet, how much does it generally cost?
  11. Squeeze it's back foot, failing that hold it under water and it'll let go, although I wouldn't try picking it again straight away as it'll probably be even more p*ssed off ha ha. Touch wood I've never been latched onto before, I've had one have a snap but that was my fault for startling it. If you handle them well enough it's unlikely that you'll get bitten properly, whenever anyone asks me about mine and whether they're vicious I'll happily hold any of them next to my nose and I'm confident they will not bite me. One day I'll come un-stuck though ha ha!
  12. I favour hobs these days, and have kept a number of them together, they've always been ok, touch wood! They're a nice looking pair mate, reckon they'll do you proud
  13. Still here, any takers? Last chance before I let the topic die
  14. Thanks Trev, good to meet you mate, hope they do you proud
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