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Everything posted by slipper

  1. I have a pes 12 which goes back over the barrel bomb proof stainless but heavy
  2. Yesterday I went to the gun shop to buy some tips for my 223 and came out with a black widow slingshot, I just couldn't resist! Been knocking over cans in the garden all good but the bloody bands keep snapping and I dont know why, is there better bands I can get for it?
  3. No probs mate we can have some fun shooting long range crows, i am going to take charlie callers advice though and get some better reloading gear so I can crimp the bullets apparently it gives you tighter groups roll on game fair lol
  4. Once the silage is cut your more than welcome to come out and have a go with mine I reload mine with 40 grain vmax and am I am getting sub 1 inch groups at 3600 ftps groups are not much bigger at 200 yards its very flat shooting ive had foxes upto 250 yards and rabbits and crows out to nearly 300 which is great fun!
  5. Well done mate but at 35 yards I would have gone for head shots lol
  6. Aiming in the wrong place deker? I think not, and I wondered when that picture would show up again! Was told to go for head shot which I did to start with untill I had one which ran about 25 yards with the top of eye socket blown out, but it still ran 25 yards! It was dead fair enough, but I would still rather drop it on the spot, Before I sold it I then went for the engine room shot, but again still had the odd runner, maybe 1 in 10, which is why I sold it and got a rifle for the job, seriously deker how many times are you going to put that picture up? Every time a thread starts about hmr
  7. And you will also find a lot of lads on here have " had " a hmr does that not tell you something?
  8. Like I said dan I had a hmr and shot plenty of rabbits but as a foxing rifle its a no from me, had way to many runners
  9. Tidy but just a bit of advice make sure you do a bit of paper punching with it first before looking for charlie let us know how you get on pal good luck
  10. someone has already explained this but apologies as i cannot find the thread, I was told that crimping the bullets increases accuracy, thing is i have a lee hand loader which says you can crimp bullets with this but i,m not sure how, anyone done it with one of these? I think it was geoff 223 or charlie caller that said i need a lee factory crimp die, but i have not got the press, so is it still possible with the hand loader? cheers
  11. Cheers folka will keep you posted
  12. Right peeps, I have been reloading using hornady brass, but have just been given a load of mixed cases ie remington Winchester prvi etc in 223. I know your not really supposed to mix because ofdifferent thickness and volume pressures etc but honestly what difference will it make?
  13. Very good, well just to let you know I have her sitting and staying on one pip on the whistle, whilst on the lead, still having to prop her up sometimes as she is still lying down instead of sitting, when I have this sorted I will try her off the lead
  14. Cheers dan bloody hell that is a high mag scope, never heard of that make tho
  15. Been looking at the hawke varmint 6 24 44 which is all calibre rated, some on the bay for 160 quid
  16. I'll have a look mate but dont think they do a high mag
  17. Hi folks I know this has been asked before but I would like a high mag scope for my 223, I know most people prefer fixed mag but I need to develop my homeloads and need a good picture to check them at 200 yards, I have a tight budget at the moment but will upgrade in the future, I have been looking at richter scopes and ags jsr etc are these any cop? Not much recoil on the 223 but anyone used these on centrefire rifles?
  18. Went out friday to test some homeloads, was all ok to 150 yards, but when I shot out to 200 they were opening up a fair bit, I use 40grn vmax with the maximum load of 27.8 grains of powder, and the rifle is a cz 527 223
  19. Ok will try that thankyou and your right she is a bit shy, and I don't know why I have been really calm and patient with her as I know from experience how to ruin a dog ( lurchers)
  20. Brilliant, nothing better than being out with dog and gun, keep them coming mate, wish I knew how to upload pictures of my pup lol
  21. Just one thing, every time I use the sit and whistle command she lies down instead of sitting, she will sit for a few seconds then lies down
  22. Thanks for all the great info I'll let you know in a few days how I'm getting on
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