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Everything posted by slipper

  1. Good luck mate, I'm off bunny bashing hopefully
  2. I'll try that dan but ten shots go quickly when driving around the stubbles, so I'd be changing mags even quicker with the fives, lol, nothing worse than putting cross hairs on bunnies bonce and ....click lol
  3. Great stuff and yes thats very quick crack on mate atb
  4. Ok its a strange one when I get home from work I whistle her from her kennel and she jumps straight into my arms, I know that's not acceptable but I don't mind, and everything else seems ok, I just don't know how to get her retrieving again, shall I bring her in the house and try toys instead? I think we have a good bond she is always keen to be with me and my wife says she gets exited when she hears my van pull up
  5. Hi mate I have used a normal 1lb dummy and yesterday was raining so the dummy was slimy so tried a ball but still no good
  6. Does that mean if I have a slot for 22 rimfire I can have a wmr?
  7. Just an update folks, I have been leaving the retrieving for a bit and have taken all your advice on board so have just been playing with the dog and just quartering the fields and at the most using the stop whistle, been going great she walks at heel on and off the lead, well tonight I thought I would try an easy retrieve and let her run in but she picked it up and dropped it straight away, I tried one more but same again, thought I would end on a high so clicked her off and stopped her on the whistle then made a big fuss and went home, Any how where do I stand with the retrieves?
  8. Cheers yeah its a genuine 10 shot cz
  9. Its probably nothing but annoying, the magazine for my cz 452 is pushing the bullets up at a funny angle and shaving the lead as I try to load, is there anything I can do? Think there about 25 quid so thought I'd ask first lol
  10. I think unless you reload the 17 would have better factory ammo, apparently the 22 hornet is a great rifle if you reload, not heard a lot about the 17 hornet yet tbh
  11. Like I said mate I have the exact same rifle and have shot foxes between the eyes at over 250 yards, I had the same problem as you well maybe not this much hassle but it took a few boxes to find the right ammo, I was all for the heavy rounds but its shoots perfect with 40 grain vmax, just get a box and see, atb
  12. I ask again but is that with lead hp bullets or is it ok with copper coated vmax bullets every 100 shots aswell?
  13. First blood on new rifle mon well done nice long range shot Charlie time now, squeek one of those easy cubs in lol
  14. Oh and also I am a bit confused as the chap in a monthly shooting mag think his name is kirby says for amateur trainer's you could use food rewards, but others say this is a big no no??
  15. I know what your saying but what about other things i am trying to train her to do is it ok to spend a bit of time quartering etc and keep checking that she stops on the whistle or can this be overdone aswell?
  16. No that's fine welcome any advice because I don't want to mess this up, I don't necessarily practice retrieves for half an hour I do mix it up with other things like quartering etc How long can I train her for a day now shes twelve months old?
  17. Ok thanks that's what I needed to know cheers I let you know how I get on
  18. Ok will do and thanks but what point do I move on to directional work because she does retrieve I think she must of just got bored with the garden or the ball, shall I give it a few weeks just concentrating on one dummy? Also when I take her out onto the field for half an hour should I just practice retrieves or do I add other commands?
  19. To be honest dan I would either do a full clean or leave it, I found only doing half a job makes it worse just my thoughts mate
  20. Right more problems..... only joking its probably nothing to worry about at the moment but... I went and bought a load of new dummies balls etc and a toy stuffed pheasant and she retrieves all of them but she has started dropping them by my feet, how can I stop this? Also I tried getting her to sit and stay which she did fine as always then I threw a dummy at 3 oclock and one at 9 oclock, when I send her to the one she tries to pick up the other on the way back, how can I teach her to leave the 3 oclock dummy? Any advice no matter how small would be very much appreciated Cheers
  21. When I applied the fao said that mentoring conditions had been scrapped and that was a couple of years ago now
  22. There's some numptys about isn't there?
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