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Everything posted by slipper

  1. just thought it gave them the tom tits lol
  2. cheers mate i feed everything raw
  3. didnt think you could feed it but only bones i can get are pork
  4. no nothing like that is weird only thing I can think of is she's rubbing it on inside of kennel
  5. my lurcher still has a dry brown crust on her nose but I don't know what is causing it anybody seen this before?
  6. what's that disease that was about a few years ago? where they snuff it from internal bleeding?
  7. I use a cz 527 with set trigger the only problem was cheek weld so got a cheek pad with neoprene sleeve use 40 grain v max but want to try 53 grain superformance
  8. ok chaps but the only thing I am worried about is letting her hunt when she's not fit, I mean she's fit but not toned up yet so I'll just try her on a few young rabbits and see how she goes
  9. cheers lads she's a 9 month old beddy whippet grey I just want to build up slow so she's ready for end of summer
  10. how far do you have to walk a lurcher everyday keep fit
  11. how much are they Dan? do you get them from her in town
  12. thanks for that reply casso appreciate it but my trouble is I am really happy with everything she does, I don't want a ftc but she is brilliant apart from the rabbits the bit I'm confused about is how do I stop her chasing rabbits without showing her rabbits? I take her places where there are none or so I think, she is fine flushing feather and stops when I shoot and looks for the comand to retrieve and retrieves fine but when she flushes a rabbits she's off, she comes back with the recall whistle so I can't punish her because she has just obeyed a command to come back I am lost and our
  13. are there any other shooting ranges in Shropshire apart from minsterley?
  14. thanks for reply but that's sort of the trouble when I'm out and about with her I'll occasionally blow the stop whistle which works, for instance she used to chase anything like a black bird or pheasant but I can stop her with the whistle on them it's just bloody rabbits
  15. I have asked this before sorry but still having trouble what methods do other Springer owners use?
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