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Everything posted by slipper

  1. Thats what I mean though mate, like I said I'm really not be funny or anything like that but if you go to the same place 2 to 3 times a week your making life hard for yourself They soon cotton on so you might as well hit them hard once a fortnight or so Atb
  2. Not being funny honestly but when you shoot 3 and there was 50 odd there and you say no need to shoot them all in one go, is this ok with landowner farmer etc as the others will only get lamp shy and probably breeding now so taking the odd one or two does nothing for pest control but if its sport then it's ok then?
  3. Is it just the baikal that does one of these and what are they like any good? Just want a little knock about to carry whilst I train my spaniel so a little 410 would be ideal as they are light but would prefer a semi auto really
  4. Pcp, s are a piece of piss to shoot but it takes a real shooter to shoot a springer consistently as you will know, had supertens rapids s410, s and allsorts between but I just like the feel of a bit of recoil after head shooting a woody feels better somehow
  5. Had a couple of fac air rifles had a fx2000 at 24ftlb which was a cracking rifle had loads of rabbits with that and a fac rapid at 36ftlb did have it above 40ftlb but seemed better at 36 I fancy another but which one lol
  6. Does your mincer do the bones aswell wideboy?
  7. I had some eley high velocity that I shot out of my cz not to bad accuracy wise but not as good as subs and if you're not worried about the noise then crack on if all your after is rabbits and a few extra yards
  8. Where can I get one of these? I usually put a sand bag under the stock but saw one of these somewhere and I can't remember where, Its the type that unscews etc to rraise or lower the back of the stock
  9. Just interested to hear people's views on using a shock collar to inforce the stop whistle?
  10. So if the dot is low on a rabbits head for example you need to aim a little higher is that right?
  11. I remember terry le chem I think his name was in a air rifle mag about 20 years ago using a laser mounted on top of a scope as a rough rangefinder seemed to work for him
  12. Cheers lads she's on the raw diet and its the other dogs crap she eats
  13. Any ideas as why she has started this? I pick it up as soon as i see it but she beats me to it sometimes. I believe she may be lacking something like iron is this right? She is two and only been doing it a month
  14. I need to get on top of a jackdaw/magpie problem around a farm of mine and thinking of using low velocity ammo with my 22 Am I right in thinking they are about 25ftlb? Anybody use them?
  15. Thats what I had a gut feeling about thanks mate
  16. I think I have made quite a few mistakes with my first spaniel, she is now two years old and nowhere near ready for this season Will it do any harm to start again from scratch as if she was a puppy? I'm in no rush so hopefully ready for next season
  17. I would go 243 like charlie caller said light bullet flat as hell
  18. Went out to try the plr last night and I thought it was really good tidy beam and it didn't run out and I was out about 3 hours all good Atb
  19. Socks mate I'm just after some advice really, like I said I'm not disagreeing with anyone this is my first proper go at working a running dog, she is a young dog and I've been slowly increasing the amount of runs I give her every time I go out, tonight was windy but still pretty mild she may of dehydrated? Can you give dogs water whilst working or will that cause problems in the guts aawell?
  20. Just to add when I got back to the car I gave her a mars bar and when I got home she had a bowl of fatty mince mixed with sardines and vitalin, my reason for posting is I don't usually feed before but I did today and then this happens
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