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Everything posted by THE GRIFF

  1. Did it a couple of weeks back, was taking one out of a net and another one just popped its head out of the same hole and looked at me, I grabbed it with one hand and had the netted one in the other hand, about 5 seconds after I grabbed the one sitting in the hole 2 ferrets came running out.
  2. Had interview this morning, he seemed fine and said there shouldn't be any problems as long as the land is suitable. I gave him maps of the land and he said that he thinks it will have been passed as the farmer owned a rifle a few years ago but will check and make sure, if it hasn't been passed he doesn't think it will be a problem to get it passed due to where it is and the surrounding area. He said there is no reason why I cant go put a deposit on some guns, but I dont want to jinks it. Hopefully certificate will be here before christmas, but no guarentee's. He also said he will recomend
  3. All of my ferrets are in hutches in my shed and the bottles have been freezing solid overnight for the last 3 days. I have another set of bottles I have been swapping over on a morning and night, but the nozzles have still been freezing during the day. I think I have sussed it out though tonight, I have put an old oil filled radiator in the shed and put it on a low setting just to take the chill out of the shed. I have just been out to check on it to make sure it has warmed up and the shed is warmer than my bedroom, I might even go and sleep with the ferrets tonight!!!
  4. Hopefully its been rearranged for tommorrow morning, fingers crossed it wont be cancelled again with the snow. I will let you all know how it goes, fingers crossed its not cancelled again!!!
  5. Forgot to add its a 28 inch barrel.
  6. I have for sale a beretta urika semi auto 3 shot 12g. It has a wood stock, its fully cased in origonal beretta hard case and has all the manuals and a selection of chokes with it. It has the bits and bobs to alter the fitting of the gun and a couple of different types of site beads to suit your needs. I bought this gun earlier this year from weldon gun room and have only used it twice, I am in the process of getting my FAC and need the room in the cabinet so it has to go. Any trial welcome, I live in Thornaby near Middlesbrough in the north east. I may travel to meet you up to 100 miles.
  7. I use one of these, it takes nets,hedge cutters,gloves small shovel in the main compartment, the collars/locators in one side pocket and longnet pegs and other bits in the other side pocket. The only thing wrong with it is when its raining you have to fold the top over or cover the top but it has a big wide top on it for throwing your nets back in when doing biggish sets. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/KORUM-BAIT-AND-BITS-BAG-STANDARD-/270540676640?pt=UK_SportingGoods_FishingAcces_RL&hash=item3efd7b1e20 When we are doing big sets or netting a full hedge row and needing 150+ nets we have a
  8. Found this which explains different types of batteries. The ones shown in the link at the top of this post are Alkaline, I only use silver oxide(they are alot better battery) I know the link below is aimed at batteries for watches, but its the same theory. http://members.iinet.net.au/~fotoplot/accbatcc.htm#am
  9. Found this link about types of batteries, I would only use silver oxide type batteries in my locators. http://members.iinet.net.au/~fotoplot/accbatcc.htm#am
  10. I would stay well clear of these, as a watchmaker I know what cheap batteries can do to a watch and I certainly wouldn't put them in my collars. Cheap batteries tend to leak and will cause corrosion in whatever you fit them to and will just fcuk your collars if this happens. They may turn out to be ok, but I wouldn't risk it. Keep an eye on them if you are using them to make sure they dont start to get a white powder on them, this means they are starting to leak(it normally starts on the negative side of the battery where the stepped part is). Dont leave them in for a months because you may c
  11. It depends if you are wanting to wipe out the rabbits completely, on one of our permissions we were doing the same sets every week or two for about 2 months, obviously some are comletely empty, but sometimes you get one or two out of some of them and on occasion you may get the odd set that gives you a few more. If you are doing it for sport then my advice would be dont hammer them too much because you will kill it for next year.
  12. FAC air would be for around the caravans, 22lr bunny bashing, 17hmr longer distance bunny bashing when its not windy and the 22 hornet would be for long distance bunnies and the odd fox. If i was granted the 22 hornet I would not bother getting the 17hmr.
  13. I have only had my shotgun licence since the beginning of this year and am planning to go for my FAC in the next week or two. I have today asked 2 of my permissions if they would authorise me permission to shoot a 22lr on thier land and they said yes. They both have people shooting 22lr rifles already on the land and are pretty sure the land has been passed by the police for the 22lr. Both permissions are on the moors and one is about 90 acres, the other acres, both have hills and decent back stops. My first question is if I was to put in for a fac air rifle, a 22lr and a 17hmr do you t
  14. As long as its no more than a 3 shot gun you can get one on a shotgun licence, try gun trader website for a scondhand one or http://www.saddleryandgunroom.co.uk/hushpower.htm - 29k for a new on.
  15. I have an Investarm Hushpower 20g, when used with hushpower cartridges its quiet and an excellent bit of kit, quite loud though when used with normal cartridges, its an o/u so you get 2 shots not 1 compared to the single shot hushpowers. When I was looking into buying one I found the choice very limited, either single shots or the 3 shot pumps, the only O/U i could find was the investarm 20g one. One thing I found with the pump action one was the pump loading is very noisy and would spook things very easy in the field, it would be quieter and take not much longer to just load the single shot
  16. In theory they could all get on, but some ferrets just simply dont get on with other ferrets weather they are hobs, snipped, castrated or jills. The only way to tell for definate is to try it.
  17. Good look mate, you might want to take a rake with you as well to clear the holes, I was out on sunday and lots of leaves and thorny twigs covering the holes. Dont forget to post how you got on.
  18. My mark 3 are 394, I use renatta not rayovac, from my own experience as a watchmaker a have found renatta the best batteries for not leaking but I think deben recomend rayovac, either way mine are 394 that my mark 3 takes.
  19. If you are only taking a couple of ferrets with you then I would use a large cat carrier, you can also put a water bottle on the front as well.
  20. I already felt that removing her was probably not the best thing to do, but she really p1ssed me off on sunday after fighting down a hole, the other ferrets weren't concentrating on the job after the fighting either which p1ssed me off as well. When I got home I just wanted to settle the other ferrets down more than anything without her fighting with them. After a couple of days by her self I last night put her in with 3 other ferrets including the 2 that she was fighting with on sunday, touch wood everything seems to be ok up to now. If she fights down a hole again with another ferret I will
  21. She has been living with her mother, just the 2 of them together for the last couple of months, before that both of them were in with a hob and another albino jill and they all got on fine. Lately she has been very dominant over her mother to the point she is hurting her and on sunday she was working with her mother and another jill and all she wanted to do was fight with both of them, you of should heard the squealing down the hole and it wasn't from a rabbit. I tried putting her in with another 5 ferrets I have in a big run and she was fighting nasty with them straight away, so bad I had to
  22. Do you think I am doing the right thing separating her for a few days or do you think it might take weeks?
  23. Dr Johns with fresh meat every couple of days, will be putting whole rabbits in daily as the weather gets colder.
  24. I have 2 polecat jills - mother and daughter, the daughter is slightly bigger than the mother and has recently put on a bit of weight. I only got these jills in about june and they were both in season when I got them, the daughter was also biting me very nasty at first but I put this down to hormones and moving home. I soon had them both jill jabbed and with plenty of handling the nasty jill was fine. Over the last few weeks the daughter has started dragging the mother around by the neck and is really dominating her to the point where the other jill is sometimes squeeling bad when the daughte
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