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Everything posted by lakielad

  1. there was people who was stood round the ring watching and puting there dogs bak in cars once they watched the standard ov judging herd a lot ov people said the man didnt no wat he was looking for.
  2. ov course there is u cant judge a dog just by the eye iv seen good judges that look over the dog properley and pick out the faults with the dog iv there is any.
  3. well done to the lad wont be long till he gets a red 1 nice looking bitch mate
  4. This is exactly why i stopped judging lurchers a few years back, seem's things don't change! FT uve got to judge to a standard there seems to be any tom dick and harry judging now not people who hav been in the game years who breed a good strain ov dog who has plenty ov expeirance and nos wat there looking for
  5. neva herd ov him mate wat strain ov dogs does he keep
  6. Why ???? was it youself ??? it was a chap named derek webster . patting the dogs on the back 3 times then watching them walk is not wat i call lurcher judging
  7. hi all just joined this site after heering much talk about it.did any one see the standerd ov judging at broughton on sunday
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