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Everything posted by skp_2k8

  1. £1000 for that ur having a laff mate worth £150 - £200 i wudnt evan pay that for a fully working dog can get umm for 500 at most
  2. its not about the price [bANNED TEXT] i feed my ferrets ferret food they get all lazey and dnt seem there self but [bANNED TEXT] i brought them back on to cat food they peked up again so i stuck with cat food
  3. i feed my ferrets on whiskas cat meant been feeding it for years perfectly fine for ferrets and 3 or 4 of my mates feed there ferrets on the same stuff and a raw egg 1nce a week and rabbits on the week end hope this hekps sum how
  4. i wud of had him but its a bit far im in bristol mate sorry good luck
  5. skp_2k8

    new mh

    how much do hawks go for >>? and have u got to put any real hard traning into been thinking of getting 1 but dnt no any thing about um so wud appreciate sum advie please
  6. i called my new pup thorn
  7. hello mate cheres for that cud help in the long run hes a igronant pup and he loves playing with my other dogs but its a pup got to expect it fustrating though lol ill keep u posted [bANNED TEXT] he grows up like
  8. seems like everythink is goin god for you then ive only been out wid my air rifle few time this summer and just went after wood pidgeons goin out on the week end up a old scrap yard wid the dogs hopefully it goes good for me then
  9. skp_2k8

    dog pens/runs

    i would of bought that is it was closer to me and i havent just built my dog run [bANNED TEXT] a shame that a good bargin for [bANNED TEXT]
  10. i got lurchers and a air rifle but i like the lurchers betta [bANNED TEXT] the chase is goin on i get all excited lol like most people will
  11. looks like a nice dog u got ther mate keep me posted [bANNED TEXT] she works like
  12. nice ferrets mate taken an intrest in ur white black eyed ferret been after 1 for a while but havent got 1 yet so still looking good luck wid ur kits mate hope they grow up to be healthy stong workers
  13. helloo people just bought a saluki greyhound whippet and will adventully be working day and nyte i got me other lurcher to bring him up off but just wondering if [NO TEXT TALK] got any advice for me to make things any easier wud be help ful thanks people ill put a pic upp of him soon
  14. nice lakelands mate was looking at plummer terriers the other day thinking of getting 1 but thought id stick to my 10 wk old salukix for few mounths the get the plummer or a lakeland so hope [bANNED TEXT] will have a nice litter for few mounths time any way look nicley looked after mate
  15. hello mate i wudnt recamend straw as my or hay in the winter mounths as it will get fleas after a day or 2 the best beding for the summer is shreaded paper hope that helped mate
  16. thats good for a hours work keep it goin mate
  17. nice pics [bANNED TEXT] look like stunning pups there
  18. haha yhyh i no dat place on park street its quite nice in there aint it lol i cudnt eaqt all dat evan if i wnted to wud get un fit evan if i did eat dat lol
  19. hello mate i had my kits nicked the other week but they left 1 kit witch they must not of seen in the hutch lil f****kers aint they so people do watch out if the word gets bout u got kits they wiill get taken [bANNED TEXT] ur not expecting it
  20. [NO TEXT TALK] from bristol of surrouding areas does [NO TEXT TALK] no any good places to go out with my dogs all my loacal plases are beeing killed of by people goin out at the rong time of year all the time its not to bad now and then to keep ur dog keen to work so if any noes any were let me no or wud like to meet up and go out with me and my [bANNED TEXT]
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