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Everything posted by skp_2k8

  1. my springer again she only a yr old so she not the best but am getting there with her any advise would be great amd in the back ground is my littel beedyx whippet bitch shell go in light bushes and have a little moch
  2. some good pics there lads some cracking looking dogs im looking to put a stud over my bitch when shes next in seasen was wondering if shud but a nuver beddy whippet or a straight wippet of greyhound any advive would be grate thanxz
  3. as foxing machine said mate go fro building it ur self can fill any sqr meter you want with it then atb
  4. just be patient mate the pups still got loads of time just let he injoy being a pup and introduce it to quarry slow and fun . have you got any of ur pics of the beddy whippet x grey as i have a beddy whippet bitch i was thinking of putting a greyhound over her next year
  5. good videos you got there mate atb with the pup
  6. hello mate my bitch has just had a litter shes a staffy x bull and the sire is collie whippet grey hound pups are looking gd ther 6 weeks old if ur intrested pm me
  7. smashing pup there mate looks like shes going to do you proud in near future atb with her
  8. theres got to be some people on here surley lol what about other xs with beddy whippet in then
  9. gypsy 2 yr old bitch sorry about picture quality ill get a better 1 tomoz
  10. tell ur mate to higher the fence up mate thats [bANNED TEXT] ive been doing all day my cost a bit but it worth ur dog being safe and now im in middel of building a block built kennel atb mate ...
  11. some good strong looking dogs on here keep them coming people .. atb ..
  12. cracking looking dog u got there mate keep it goin .. atb ..
  13. thats the kind of thing i was thinking mate did u buy it from anywere or did u make 1 if u made 1 can u point me in the right direction please mate .
  14. some good sporty dogs on here lads keep um coming atb ..
  15. nice looking a dog mate shes got some nice muscles on her looks good for bigger game ..
  16. got some good pics there mate and sum nice looking dogs all the best with them ...
  17. whats the breeding in this dog mate and how old looks a cracker ... was a saluki/grey x coll/grey mate, done the lot till she took real bad epilepsy, an was needed to be pts would have another in a minute if it was bred right way sorry to hear about ur loss mate gutter [bANNED TEXT] something like that happens aint it ... lets hope the new1 turns out as good as ur last 1 then (Y) atb mate ...
  18. retvreving live to hand i see fair play mate nice looking dog you got there looks nice and healthy how old and how was it bred atb ...
  19. whats the breeding in this dog mate and how old looks a cracker ...
  20. alright mate i wud put a saluki grey whippet or sumthing with a nice bit of saluki init for the stamina and speed atb on finding [bANNED TEXT] you want..
  21. 5 1/2 months all the cred to u [bANNED TEXT] mine dnt start jumping high till about 8 mounths lil buggers lol atb mate.
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