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Everything posted by skp_2k8

  1. hello there mate I would like to come and buy the bitch if shes still up for sale if you could send me your number would contact you to arrange collection cheers scott
  2. I have got a 9 mounth old deerhound greyhoud backed to a beddy whippet cracking wee bitch bluey / grey in couler rough coated stands about 23 tts at the moment hoping shell make about 24-25 tts she's had a few rabbits this season but will find out if she makes the grade next season I can't put a pic up yet as on my fone will do later
  3. I would go for a springer mate I got my self 1 last year had to be patient with her but then it just clicked and no looking back now but u have to trust there nose if they dnt go in there's nothing there good honset bitch proved me well looking to get another any time soon atb on ur hunt
  4. You take it down and bring it o me and ill cover ur desil and chuck yóu a20 on top lol cyd build summut doog out of it
  5. And people wonder why they gets rspca banging on there door and dogs took baiting ur self out on internet were antis patroll to get hunting band ur all bait lol
  6. Get a electric coller on her shell soon shut up lol
  7. Hello I'm after a ex racing greyhound not botherd if a bitch or dog just wanted to give 1 the retiring life it deserves and maybe get it out with my lurchers from time time I'm from bristol will travel for the right dog hope some 1 can help cheers
  8. Suzuki sj or vitara good cheep 4x4s goes every were good for lamping
  9. He looks a nice dog always liked him my brother got a pup for sale and he is the sire forced to sell him unfortanly looks the spliting image of him to and gues what he called him barny to lol
  10. Alright mate I wouldn't bother getting a older dog unless you no were it has came from and no the history of it because all ur doing is taking on [bANNED TEXT] elses problem if it was a good dog it would be for sale to any random person I got a beddy. Whippet deerhound greyhound and she's a cracking lil bitch but everyone to their own choice mate a dog is what u make it atb in finding 1
  11. Hello people I've got a springer spaniel I'm looking to breed out of to keep back a pup but looking for a stud dog I live in bristol she was last in season in august so shud be in soon if any 1 is intrested let me know must be a honest working dog you can have pick of the litter as I dnt agree of breeding for the money cheers for reading. Ps ill put picks of her up 2morrow or u can search other threads I've done she's on there her names luna
  12. What would people suggest as the best age for a lurcher pup to be kenneld double upd or by there self please
  13. Have you gotr any jabs left atall mate. Scott
  14. some really good looking spaniels there credit to you all mine is coming on good now after a lot of hard work with her but shes getting there she will now retrieve dead game and flushing to a better standerd atb with yours
  15. cheers for all the advice people ill put a apdate on in mouth or so and let you no how am i getting on
  16. okays cheers i normally do 10 15 mins a go then just let her have a run around after
  17. okays i will try that i was out this morning with her doing more trainig work but dont seem to be budging from were i am to be honest i will try calling her back and re trying it if she starts messing around do u think it will be a good idea to put her on lead for 10 mins then try again thankz
  18. my brother got two pf his dogs one 3 yr old bitch and 14 mouth dog the bitch is a cracking allrounder dog but she desnt look nice but its not about that isit and the boy is proven to be okay be he is still young so obv still needs alot of time put in him he breeds alot of dogs some say there good and others say there not so good but its more how much time you put into them to make the dog what it will be when its older ive always liked the collie greyhounds but not every1 one does
  19. she will be used for flushing to lurchers and i make xse xse noise to her a point with erither my left or right arm towards the hedge i want her to work some times shell go in but then other times she will just stand by the entrance oh the hendge looking at me wagging her stump so i repeat the command that i want her 2 do and she doesnt respond to it
  20. 14 mounth old bitch becoming good for flushing quarry
  21. father and grandfather ftc purebred ess mother & grandmother ess pure
  22. ive got a bitch springer shes just over a year old now just started training to work hedge rows some times shell go in and work the hedge to a reasonable standerd was wondering if [NO TEXT TALK] could give me help as to get her working the heges better i only stated training bout 2 mounths ago and she has come on great since then but finding it hard to push her to work the heges were im showing her any advice would be great thanxz
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