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Everything posted by hondo

  1. thanks lad and spot on wardy cc f**k me keeep the hump down ss i think there the shiznizz bud im just jealous as im f****n skint fair play hondo but you cant slag a man for housing his dogs properly.atb.Catcher
  2. thanks lad and spot on wardy cc f**k me keeep the hump down ss i think there the shiznizz bud im just jealous as im f****n skint
  3. f**k me lads ye must all be f****n rollin in dough
  4. what the f**k?????????why,why that exsessive???
  5. the simple reason no one replied is the three words u said that should never be in the same sentence as lamping "couple more people" 2 enough bud keep it to you and mate or else you will get f**k all
  6. 2 [bANNED TEXT] not talkin to him, hes a cheeky c**t
  7. Theres far to many "im hard cos my dogs only got half a face" pricks in the game and they give the rest of us a bad name. here here never truer word spoke
  8. there is some bullshit bigging up motherfuckin shit in this thread i dont know about all the f****n sigle handed posers on here but my wheaton bitch will half a fox but never ran her herself because I HAVE FREINDS AND WE HUNT TOGETHER and jesus might be a sin but he owns a dog too we dont get every fox we run but we get a lot more than all you so called single handers my bitch and his dog will pul ANYTHING out of ground obviously on their own when u know that cant escape but why take the chance of losing a good fox by trying to be a poser{oh my dog single hander]f****n chavs
  9. we hunt mountain terrain once a year{only time we aloud on by park ranger}farmer keeps sheep down low on mountain but on steeper slopes there is fox burrows once a year were rang to clear out always succsessful,now walking up this is killer thick heather and slippy brown shit,but wether its the same f****r of a hare everytime we always rise one dogs dont even get a look in{even a big deerxgrey}smaller dogs have less of a chance he give a good sprint 5_six jumps and dissepears dont own gun so :censored:think i need to invest this year but hes frickin huge biggest hare i ever did see :icon_eek
  10. had a pup stolen from my pens 2-3 months back beauty bull and fox pup receieved phone call from buddy dog seen with notorious dog theif i drove straight there and sure enough my pup dident even recognise him all skin and bone grabbed pup tug of war ensued while this happenin car pulls up man jumps out with slash hook "leave dog go or u get it in head" i stood my ground but they then treathened to come around my house i got two young kids i have to protect i miserbly backed down pup not worth kids suffering in any way
  11. its a guarenteed dog already put em on here for stud better than half the shit on
  12. some fine dogs there lads love this cross dare i say just as hard as bull cross
  13. no one owns a wheaton cross so???????????????????????????????????????
  14. best weaton cross ive seen is the major from over in ireland would love a pup from that dog big strong dog dont know bud havent heard of him any pics more info
  15. as titled lads id love to see all your pics of thes cross
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