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Everything posted by hondo

  1. here here real hunters not no keyboard hunters like a lot on here
  2. thats a brilliant first pic,really good condition that dog,and a class hunting pic
  3. i have the dvd and when there takin the pics on it u cant realy see proper glad now i got to see em great pics
  4. my shit hardest thing i ever tried
  5. a fine pair,look in good condition
  6. that is one fine bicth,strong,fine head,not too tall,hope she flys for ya bud
  7. i second that a great retreive,no hesataition
  8. bet who ever got offered him is kicking them selves now
  9. hondo

    For Sale

    this better be a joke
  10. i dunno its a hard one if you say anything you will create trouble for you and your dogs, but if you dont and it comes out that your responsible that will look worse i say ditch the fukin thing
  11. hahaha take it easy bud he only said it was big,its a fine terrier just leggy
  12. i dont think its feedin i think it just needs a dose
  13. fantastic show last in series next week
  14. they f****d it [bANNED TEXT] up,mind you theres good shagging scenes
  15. I THINK U GOTA GOOD ONE ON YOUR HANDS THERE BUD ALL THE right breeding for teeth any pics
  16. what a f****n cheeky c**t id half his f*****g back the cockroach mother f****n scumbag get your dog back bud
  17. have u ruled out ring worm is there a black ring in middle of red area
  18. cheers bud i was thinking that i gave her milk and she got a bad case of the runs after it thanks for the replys
  19. i recently was visiting a yard where man sells dogs,as he was showing us around he opened a shed door and there was the skinniest shabby lookin pup 5 months old, i asked the man what breeding was she he told me wheaton first cross as i already have wheatonx doing all i ask i was interested in the wheatons already but if i never kept a dog in my life id have still took this pup,he then asked me if i wanted to buy eventually wit me insulting him for ten mins i had to pay fifty euro for her,when i got her home i gave her a durontal uad put a stronghold on her neck to clean her coat now my ques
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