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Everything posted by hondo

  1. welcome to what is the arguing life oh sorry the hunting life hahaha
  2. good sturdy lookin bicth glad she went well for ya best a luck withe the rest
  3. as far as i know a lurchers tail is like a boats rudder,,the kinda steer with the tail but its only part of it the bottom half of the tail is the strongest so might still be fine,, i dont see it completely stoppin him from runnin well just think it will be a gettin used to period i seen dogs coursin rabbits with theree legs,,,,,so i wudent worry too much
  4. im actually lookin for a pic at the moment has anybody got any action pics of lurcher chasing a fox want to get it tattoed on my arm
  5. what the feck was that on the spit in the last pic
  6. add a pic of it then to strart the ball rolling lol Only just learnt how to upload pictures haha! this is rosie. stunning pup lovely coat
  7. the most obvious i would think if it was still warm too like
  8. like a german sheperd biiiiggggg fox
  9. surle a wind up noone is this retarded
  10. lovely pup bud best a luk with him
  11. me the same its better if anything,get with the time grandpa (haha joke)
  12. Your mistake was shouting at it................ i totally agree,
  13. another good read up fair play bud
  14. that black an tan dog is a beaut bud a fine shape to him too
  15. thanks mate and im not really bothered about kittlerox, im only 18 and have prob seen more then him already too true bud,your a good feildsports writer for someone so young
  16. great write up danes,its as if i was sitting there in the jeep with ya haha,i enjoyed reading it bud as for the negative comments its just jealousy that nothing really exciting happens lamping in front of a computer haha
  17. good luck with him bud looks a cracker
  18. me 2 please oh please sir can i cum too(no pun intended) :wankerzo4:
  19. i am so sad for you,she was a stunning make up of a bull hound and looked a good workin dog ta boot sorry again a cryin shame
  20. hondo

    new look

    i love it,a lot more professional lookin far better imo
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