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Everything posted by hondo

  1. sorry to hear bud,,,,,something willpop up hopefully for ya best of luck
  2. judging by seventh pic down he has a bit of pointer in him too hahaha crackin pup bud
  3. what the f**k man,,,,,what is this f*****g waste of good organs doing still alive bring back hanging for nonces i say,,,, i would gladly pull the drop floor thing for this man too swing,,,,and then gets 2 and a half years only,,judge must have been a horse lover,,,f****n c**t should be made talk about all the circle of nonces he associates with in this circle of depravity,,horrible animal
  4. ((((I raised a couple of fox cubs once upon a time, even kenneled them odd times with terriers that were out n out digging dogs.)))) my opinion u r a bit nutty first of all if a dog is a digging dog it should never ever swicthoff if i f****d a fox in to my terrier pen [bANNED TEXT] now he would be dead in seconds cause thats my terriers quarry not just to pick and choose as he likes,,,,,
  5. rip sad too see the young die,,,may god be with your family
  6. hondo

    T.H.L pm

    f**k do he want like sheesh wat a neck
  7. :laugh: :laugh: best i ever heard very exspensive misjudgement
  8. hondo


    That just plug straight into the back of your telly? Sounds like it...............18m of cable to play with. ya but if u connect it straight to your telly how does it record then ?????????
  9. hondo


    very sad rip craigyboy shocking news
  10. hondo


    ya i have just one prob alrite i have ta wear waders washing dogs but terriers go in and out fairly quick but i can now after reading this topic that im a bit outdated
  11. hondo


    this is what i use very efective too high for dogs to jump out {when holding them like}and the dog is standing straight up in water
  12. well done bud just had a baby boy myself six weeks old now best a luck get used to not sleeping hahahaha
  13. its shit u see f**k all it was on there for a while on that cheaters channel the camera work was brutal and they only ever does bout two per episode
  14. welcome bud good to see more newcomers to hunting best a luck
  15. serves em right the fucks pity he dident kill em four less tealeaves in the world
  16. its called rambo the ultimate earth dog as far as i can recall hes useless hahaha
  17. my bro have one and he is a very quick dog mother was full whippet and his father was an ACTIVE pit bull,,,,hes a great dog on all quarry
  18. i wacthed a dvd of rambo and to tell u the truth he was the biggest wanker i ever seen i wouldent take him in my yard for free,,,, a barker on the sod,,,, when another dog locked up he will throw savage shapes but the minute hes left in on his own he barked and barked and would not hit for the life of him,,,so my question is are u proud to associate your pups with this kind of dog??????????
  19. talk about an all rounder dont even need a fishin rod with ya just send in the dog hahahaha
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