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Everything posted by Rifleman88

  1. nice choice Adam, my fac is due anytime now and im going for the 452 style too.
  2. cheers for the replies lads, i think im going to splash out on some better quality glass now
  3. im aware the .223 is a centerfire, the inspecting guys who spoke to me said it shouldnt be a drama for me getting .223 on my licence as ive been in the marines for going on 5 years. im after advice on both the rf and cf as im going to buy both when the fac comes through cheers
  4. is it worth getting a cheap gen 1 scope and an ir filter for my lamp to save £££? ive heard that gen 1 nv is fine if theirs enough ambient light.
  5. anybody used these 6-24x50 tasco scopes from ebay? £33 from hong kong.any good?
  6. my brothers going to have to eat cereal with his hands when im through
  7. I will be mainly be shooting rabbit and the odd fox, I've heard good things about the varmint too.
  8. the guys have been round to ask me a few questions and check the cabinet. they say i should get the fac in 2 weeks...ish. ive put down for 17hmr, .22lr and .223. ive read a lot of reviews and looked at quite a few rifles and was thinking of getting a cz 452 style and a browning x-bolt. just asking if any one has used any of the rifles and wether they are any good for a 1st rifle.also what sort of sights i want to be looking at getting for them ect. cheers Nathan.
  9. why would you want to change it? if its not broke dont fix it!
  10. ive only had the falcon a few months, the mags seem fine, i think there's think there's less to go wrong with them as they arent spring loaded, the bolt doesnt have a drama spinning the mags either, never misses a pellet out or jams. dare i say i think the gun is a little too light.
  11. s.wales, not always that clear, just a 1 off mate.
  12. Hiya lads, I've just applied for my fac and police inspecting my gun cabinat monday. Ive put down .17hmr, .22lr and 223, just wondering when I'll be eligable for a centerfire rifle and also how long does it normally take for your fac to come back after your Cabinat's been inspected? Cheers Nathan
  13. hiya lads, im in the middle of fitting a gun cabinet and i have a seperate safe for the ammo, was wondering wether the safe can be in the same room as the guns and if it has to be bolted to the wall aswel, cheers nathan.
  14. one of my mate's who's been shooting firearms a while, and i got to be 1 of my referee's has told me to put down .222 as one of the guns i want to purchase because if i ever want to move to a bigger calibre i'll have to fill out another form and its going to cost me another 26 quid on applying for my first grant do you think its worth putting down .223 rather than .222 ?? cheers
  15. my main quarry is going to be rabbits and fox, i'd like to go for .223 but ive been told there's a slim chance of me getting it on my 1st application. the only reason ive put down .222 is because ive heard there is a law coming in which doesnt allow the use of .22 on fox's. is that true?
  16. cheers mate thats very helpful, ive heard good things about the cz's, ive got a range finder too, just need to get a cabinet sorted this week and this may be my new favorite forum
  17. on the app ive written , .17 hmr, .22 lr, and .222 for calibre's and also moderators for each. What do you mean by expanding ammo? Nathan
  18. ive never seen a black squizzer, dont shoot it or you may be considered racist
  19. think my next shooter is going to be in .177 flavour, keeps looking better and better
  20. ive been shooting airguns for a good 10 years now and have recently put in my application for my 1st fire arms certificate, i would greatly appriciate any guidance on what sort of setup to go for, i,e caliber,rifle,scopes,ammo,tips and hints, cheers lads, Nathan
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