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Everything posted by Rifleman88

  1. Any one interested in a pulsar n550, used once with ir laser and battery charger. Original boxed up £950. Only selling because mrs wants new wooden floor!!!
  2. browning a bolt .223 with pulsar n550. mtc viper 6x24-56 dayscope.
  3. Fox caught in a trap today by a neighbouring farmer, gutted just treated myself to a pulsar n550 aswel, took it out for a test run lastnite and I was impressed, but being my first NV unit I can't really compare to anything. Took a shot at a fox but couldn't find it through the bullrushes so can't count it Hopefully the pulsar is going to get me a few lamp shy foxes through lambing season though.
  4. Back down the farm tonight, fox has been baited up all week, got a good feeling about tonight I'll let you know how I get on
  5. Got a heads up from the farmer down the road asking me to dispatch a fox that's been lurking around his sheep pen . He said there's a fox hanging round at 6 o'clock through till 7 every night without fail. I knocked up a little hide and spent Friday and Saturday in it haf 5 till haf 7 with no fox in sight Decided to go for a mooch Sunday night and spotted Charlie behind the sheep pen, about 200 - 250 yards away. Normally a standard shot but was really windy and the rain was falling sideways so i tried to squeak him in a bit but no chance, massively overlamped, ended up bolting Think I'm
  6. Thanks for the replies lads, I'm probably going to go for the atn trident with the ir laser, dave your set up on your howa is what I'm going for. Do you zero your NV for the same distance as your daylight, around 100 meters? Cheers.
  7. atn Spartan 410 with ir illuminator for under £700 or ATN TRIDENT PRO 6X 2IA 6x gen 2+ for £1950? Obviously a big difference in money but will the difference be worth £1250? This is my first NV scope so any advice will be taken on board, budgets £2000. Cheers lads, Nathan.
  8. Just bought my first .223(browning A bolt), what range should I be looking at zeroing it using Winchester cxp1 55g? Cheers lads Nathan.
  9. In my 9 years of shooting I've never come across service as bad as shootingshack.com. I ordered a set of mtc viper 4-16 x50 scopes in January and still nothing. I've phoned up a load of times and when I finally got through I was told they'd be here in 72 hours. Phoned up again in a weeks time and was told there had been a mix up with FedEx so it would be another week(this was 2 weeks ago). Finally phoned up today and I was told they'd be here end of march! Ive asked for my money back and now I'm waiting out on it! Some advice, steer well clear of shooting shack because they are a bunch
  10. Has anyone ordered from this sight in the past? Ive ordered some MTC Vipers and I've been waiting over two weeks. The shop is in Bolton and I'm in Wales so it shouldn't take that long. Cheers nathan
  11. Cheers for the feedback lads, I'll let you know how I get on this weekend. RM
  12. Woulnt mind the American but can find a brooks trigger kit anywhere.
  13. On my FAC I've got 17,22 and 223 all with mods so I've got a good choice of rifles.
  14. That's my local dealer, havnt got any in. They do however have the style in 17 hmr. This will be my first firearm so I'm not that sure on a first rifle. I know the hmr is flatter shooting and you get more range but the noise is a big thing for me. Are 17hmr's a lot louder than 22lr's ? Are they as loud a a shottie for instance? Cheers RM.
  15. Just a quick one lads, I've just recieved my FAC and the rifle I'm thinking of is a cz style in 22lr. The drama is that my local dealer hasn't got any in stock and won't have for a fortnight. Is it worth travelling to Exeter (£50 petrol) to pick up the rifle or should I use that £50 to buy a better rifle, any advice on a first rifle for around £500 or a closer gun dealer from s.Wales is much apprieciated. Cheers lads RM.
  16. Sori mate, got my heart set on the cz. I've heard there's more things to go wrong with semi's. Cheers anyway.
  17. FAC finally arrived, shopping this weekend. Theres a cz style 22lr that needs a good home.
  18. How long does it have to be after you've been granted your fac before you can get on deer stalking course? My fac is due anytime now and the biggest cal I've got is .223. Will I need a minimum of .243 before getting on a course or will ibe able to do the course and then apply for a bigger calibre? Cheers rm
  19. my fac is due any time now and I've got 17hmr .22lr and .223 down. If I'm shooting 15 bunny's to every fox wat would be the ideal calibre to go for ? Cheers lads, Nathan.
  20. A.r.m.y = Aren't Royal Marines Yet ! Steely eyed dealers of death.
  21. Have a look on uttings.com, some decent hawke scopes for around 150
  22. I'm in the core mate, I'm home every weekend. U will have to stay on camp at lymstone until week 3. Anything you want to know about training or the job just ask.
  23. The ultra seems like a nightmare, if i was you i'd sell it and buy a superten for.......... £200 from me
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