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Everything posted by Rifleman88

  1. Im out tonight on the reindeer, what caliber do you recommend, i'll only be shooting about 30ft. from the back garden to the roof. Merry xmas, Rifleman.
  2. yup, good point, i'll stop boozing now
  3. just a quick one guys, my brother has started a new job selling pheasants to shoots in s wales, they constantly want venison and will pay £4 a kilo, But they won't buy it from me without a DSC1. Any advice on where and when they run courses and prices, Also do i have to wait until i pass the course to put in a variation for a larger caliber rifle, Cheers, Rifleman.
  4. I carry some on the stock and the rest in a zip pocket, just make sure you don't wear gloves when you pull them out as you may drop one
  5. sent the renewal off today,if anyone is interested I gave the firearms officer a bell and he said on your renewal your licence is automatically open or "unrestricted" cheers guys
  6. Sorted the problem, where the hose attaches to the base, nuts were to tight and not releasing air, loosened it off a 1/4 turn and it seems to work again cheers
  7. No intention of taking the gun apart. i tried it on the superten and the same issue. gun gauge stays on 100. its as if theres something in the hose and after 100 bar it pushes against the hole and stops releasing air.
  8. ive had a webley stirrup pump for a while now and for some reason its stopped working, its a 2 stage pump and seems like its working fine up to about 100 bar, then on the next pump it shoots to 200 bar then 250 on the following pump. even though it says that on the pump's gauge, the s410 says its 100 bar. if anyone has had this issue and knows how to fix it can you let me know as I'm missing out on some bunnies. Cheers guys, Rifleman.
  9. Thats the one ai. better shot than the old man tho.
  10. same ai, quite a few up the quarry now, I've just landed some permission down langors on a pheasant farm where my brother works, its eaving with em down there
  11. its a browning a bolt with mtc viper on top Bagged hundreds with it.
  12. hiya lads, Went out for a little walk with the S410 earlier after 3 bunnies for some bunny burgers i want to try out. Im sure somebody must be hammering the lamping on the same fields as me because as soon as the gun lamp went on, the rabbits were bomb-bursting all over the place. The weather was unforgiving; wet, windy and raining, Not ideal for the .177 cal. Ended up bagging a doe from about 15-20 feet which was not an easy shot in the conditions. That was it for the first permission. I hopped in the landy and headed off to my next permission after another two bunnies. Arriving at the
  13. Happy days, saves me a bit of effort, sooner i get it done sooner i can start the ball rolling on the DSC1, Thanks again Lads, happy hunting.
  14. Yeah, i'll give him a bell and find out, just seems like a pain going through the whole process again for a renewal, thanks Hunter
  15. Hiya Guys, Been off here a while as I've been abroad with the core, I need to renew the old FAC and I'm wondering if i still need to give two referees a form to fill out and send off separately. On the forms I've printed off it only asks for their details but there's no forms to actually give them. Also how can i go about getting an open licence as I'm sick of phoning up my firearms officer to get each new bit of permission checked off, Cheers Lads. also bagged a charlie lastnight
  16. It's mate, have u dealt with this Speaky bloke? He wants my account number and seems dodgy

  17. Rifleman88


    Any one know this bloke because he wants my account number and sort code to transfer money to my account
  18. Pulsar N550 with ir laser with battery's and battery charger, mounts and carry case in original box, £800 ono.
  19. Pulsar n550 with ir laser £850, used twice
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