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Everything posted by Rifleman88

  1. Surely the fact that a .177's flight path is much flatter shouldn't make it an amateurs calibre. You have to be just as good of a marksman to drop quarry with the .177. The hold over/ under can be the same as a .22's if you push the distance out a bit (obviously in low wind). Yeah your a good shot if you can headshot rabbits at 45 yards with a .22, you'd be even more skilled if you could do it with a slingshot. why make it hard for yourself? A better rifle doesn't mean any less of a marksman.
  2. I'll give it a go, Waterproof exterior wood glue and a countersunk bolt from underneath, then mixed sawdust and glue to cove the hole, sanded down and you would never know
  3. A few pics of my latest project, bought a Theoben Evolution .20 for £25 as the owner said the stock snapped from pulling the trigger with the barrel broken, also a good coat of rust on it. I repaired/ sanded and refinished the stock, de blued/ re blued the barrel/gun. Only thing is its running at 13ft/lbs, anyone know how to tune down a gas ram?
  4. Depends what your looking for, if you want easy to fire, accurate and consistent pellet placement which will forgive misjudgement of distance then go .177. If your happy your judging distance is bang on, or your using LRF then go .177 hit it in the brain with any calibre and its going down, just easier with the .177..............unless somebody farts in your pellets flight path, which will cause the small .177 pellet to curve like one of Ronaldo's free kicks.
  5. I'm sure the fox harassing the old man's farm is on THL. He must have read my post because he decided not to turn up . Should've taken the rimmy, there were bunnies everywhere. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.
  6. Finally!, 3 days waiting for these winds to die down. Just been out and got a nice tight zero on the .223, can finally have a crack at the chicken murderer on the farm, so far he's had 3 chickens an a lamb, wish me luck i'll post the pic if i get him.
  7. here's the link but its much easier doing it my way. if you get 40mm wastage pipe it'll tighten onto the scope with no need for bolts or anything, just need and end cap and a cheap plastic iPhone case. all in all cost less that £5
  8. no, eye relief and butt placement for the .223, need it in the shoulder to take the recoil with the nv, makes no odds to the iPhone
  9. no, eye relief and butt placement for the .223, need it in the shoulder to take the recoil
  10. finish product, need a butt extension for good eye relief and butt placement but crystal clear image.
  11. finished product, need a butt extension for the .223 to get good eye relief and butt placement but other than that crystal clear image
  12. Just watched a tutorial on youtube of how to knock up a iPhone mount for your rifle scope. Works a treat and cost me £5. 40mm abs tubing with the tightener ends, an end cap and a 2 quid plastic iPhone case from the market. As soon as the epoxy glue dries i'll take some pics and do a how to if anyone is interested in getting some footage.
  13. just for taking video. I'm working on a mount to fit my nvg on too
  14. Just watched a tutorial on youtube of how to knock up a iPhone mount for your rifle scope. Works a treat and cost me £5. 40mm abs tubing with the tightener ends, an end cap and a 2 quid plastic iPhone case from the market. As soon as the epoxy glue dries i'll take some pics and do a how to if anyone is interested in getting some footage.
  15. Join the core and sign out as much NV and thermal as you can carry. DONT LOSE IT THOUGH. lol
  16. believe me, if the armoured would let me my house would be full of .338's l96's and .308 rifles from work, think id like to shoot a fox on fully auto
  17. ]Ive been using a camelback patrol pack, not great as it has a zip and no top flap so there isn't much room for stuffing a few more in when its at full capacity. but on the plus side it has a rifle holster running down the side so i can take the .223 incase i see the odd fox when I'm rabbiting. if i was you i'd get a top flap rucksack like the ones that where issued in the marines about 3 years ago and get a canoe bag, canoe bags are cheep as chips, come in a variety of sizes to suit your pack and are fully waterproof with 2 buckles at the top. This way you never have to clean the rucksack jus
  18. shooting with thermal is good, i use the thermal as a spotting scope and its better than a lamp by far, easy to spot foxes and rabbits that the lamp doesn't. You don't need to see the eyes so as soon as you spot a charlie, it can be squeaked in with no lamp going on and off. Also if you don't get a clean hit or the fox/ rabbit runs or kicks their way into a hedge you can still see it easily because its still warm. i dont mount it on my rifles as i can't judge distance very well with it. all in all, awesome bit of kit, takes night shooting to another level.
  19. Signed out half the armoury at work. 2 gen 3+ nvg's and a fist thermal sight. bunnies and charlie in big trouble now Not letting me upload the image though.
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