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Everything posted by bones

  1. pburns are you insinuating that perhaps the photos and story are not an honest account of a real badger hunt here in the states?
  2. We have an equal supply of red and grey fox. The grays are in the mountains, the reds are in the rolling farm country.
  3. Shovel is manufactured in US, made of good steel with wide head, not as light as it may look. You guys really do not want to know about these terriers, I will tell enough so you know what I mean....they are just wee little 10 pounders. You would have to hunt in my area to understand why we keep such small terriers, but the bottom line is that is what it takes to fit in the small holes we have. To get this size terrier there are a few different breeds mixed into them and they come in all colors. As far as the country I hunt in, it varies from open cultvated farm country with small wood lots to
  4. Are they pure fox dogs Bones? Or do you run them on anything else? Mr. Stabs They can do the job on a coyote too. Not as many around as there are fox, but I will catch and/or shot about 30 this year. Coyote running is a nice change to running fox, flat out chasing close up on the game, pretty intense.
  5. Glad you like the pictures and thanks for the interest. The hounds are mine, they are what we call a Walker here in the US. The ones I keep are all closely breed from a particular line that works for me. Low scenting, aggressive, fast running hounds. I hunt them on foot, usually with no help, been using a small pack of nine all season along with me comes two terriers and a shovel. This is my 8th season since starting with my own hounds, accounted for fox #39 and #40 this past week, I am very satisfied with that and having a great time.
  6. Nothing special on the day, excpet for a few decent photos.
  7. Hello, does anyone on this board have their own hounds? If so what type or strain and how many do you keep. Thanks.
  8. From the US, this sure looks like a busy site. I hunt a private pack of hounds that provided me work for my terriers. Hunitn has now been on for 2 weeks. Picture of some hunting country.
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