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About fossie

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 18/11/1958

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  • Interests
    Ferretting,lurchers ,and my patterdale.

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  1. I can see its an old thread but do you have any snares left

  2. These are brilliant, quality workmanship and quality leather very pleased ,cannot recommend enough
  3. Message sent, every body is allways so helpful on here thanks Steve.
  4. Thanks for your advise and help ,he can not take any more messages now .
  5. Have you a contact number for Nelson or email .
  6. Thanks but have tried all numbers for the last 4 weeks left several messages on the answer phone ive called Liams no 07984 971040 and Brians 07961622916 ,I have not got the 3rd no I presume that's Sarahs .
  7. what about Brian Brinded has he also closed down ive phoned several times left messages etc no reply no answer anyone else tried or been in touch with him .
  8. Hi have you still got 2 jills left if so would love to have them I could pick up tomorrow if ok.Regards Steve.
  9. keith phone me I might be able to help .Steve 07813124111.
  10. Hi is this your best price or are you open to an offer.
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