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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Bit of a moot point for me at the minute, had a few minutes this evening and can't get an account on any of the main exchanges Coinbase taking it's time verifying me and others flat out not accepting new members.
  2. Whole lotta "coins" I know sfa about, and the blockchain technology behind some or all of them I know less about. Is anyone here knowledgeable on these digital currencies, do more than buy and hodl (not much better than buying a lotto ticket ie gambling as far as I can make out). Just looking to start a conversation on is there a few fiat quid to be made on them?
  3. Thought someone would've shot the orange twat by now tbh. Still, words of comfort from Old Moores Almanac that he's not going to finish out his term for "health reasons". So, I deduce from that it may yet be lead poisoning
  4. If I remember correctly, the south used to be a stronghold for Democrats. Things change. Once Dems were seen as pro slavery, today would you reckon a racist would vote for a Dem? People are stupid, which is how history often repeats itself.
  5. Tide comes in, tide goes out, if the emperor isn't wearing clothes I'd advise not looking. 2018 elections should be interesting. http://thehill.com/homenews/media/364622-ny-daily-news-hits-moore-screw-you-and-horse-you-rode-in-on
  6. I think Leo is doing a good job on brexit for this island. Fine Gael got an 11 point jump in the polls on the back of it. I think you're way off the mark Wilf.
  7. They very much are in power. Firstly May is propped up by the DUP, she cannot afford to lose any votes from her own party. In that instance the tail is capable of wagging the dog. Second, wrong on UKIP, if that were true why have they no seats in the House of Commons? Support for UKIP melted back into the right wing of the Tories after the referendum. Besides all of that being in power or no doesn't disallow one from making plans that have have rooting and substance in the real world. From the outside looking in it appears they were totally unprepared and remiss in their duty.
  8. Disadvantage? Just what have the empty vessels on the right wing anti Europe side of the Tory party been doing for the past twenty plus years. Braying about leaving then playing with their mickeys? No plan, no clue, led up the garden path. Should they not have had a strategy, a solution? At our farmer meetings, we'd always offer jobs to the loudest complainers, they'd have to either shut up or get constructive in a hurry.
  9. Yup, think India were particularly insistent on that.
  10. Three things I noticed, only barely remember though. Not long after the referendum May went to India, and I think got a lukewarm reception in terms of trade. Trump made made some comment also, but I don't recall what it was. Then of late either Australia or NZ made a fuss within the WTO about agreements getting changed. I get the sense others see one being separated from the herd.
  11. Just a bit predictable and pointless. Some of the statements like go whistle and a number of other things, what were they meant to achieve. From my point of view they only served to get peoples backs up, who would then sit across a negotiating table at a point in the future. If the odds are against you, don't march in shouting you're all a shower of c**ts, it gives people common cause.
  12. Lol, how do you justify the UK's lack of negotiating ability being the EU's fault? No one forced ye to do anything. The difficulty for the brexiteer is in admitting they want the EU goodies like SM access and to achieve that they must compromise on other things. What happened to the bluster of walking away? They need us more than we need them etc.
  13. No offense but it's not hard to understand. The British Government, which you all elected, don't want to "just leave" and fall off a cliff as some on here would have it. They want to normalise trade and relations after brexit happens. The only way to achieve that is through negotiation with others. One cannot negotiate with oneself, and others will always protect their own interests. It's that complicated.
  14. Ireland is a contributor to the EU, not beneficiary. But sure let's not let facts get in the way of a good story As I said, don't whinge, do something constructive about it.
  15. Cops are bent, was on a landrover safari, blind enough bend, those double solids again. Van over takes the land rover on the bend, next straight one of the two CHiPs lads are already moving. Landy and van pull over. Van takes off No cop follows him Landrover driver has to donate some €€€ to the police eyesight trust and away we go.
  16. Wasn't much fun being in the back seat of a Merc doing 160kph + on double solid lines on busy four lane two way road. With fat boy Adonis having the CB in one hand, his mobile pressed to his ear with the other hand and the radio turned up high enough to render both useless.
  17. I actually don't care about Greece, based on the things I outlined. I deal with documents from Government many times a year. Most have written warnings in one form or another regarding fraud. If I give you a loaded gun, it doesn't follow you must shoot yourself with it simply because you have access to it. If it rains in July the brexiteer will blame the EU. People have to own up to their own responsibilities.
  18. Criminality in what precisely? That was a nice story but fair short on concrete verifiable evidence. If your outgoings are more than your incomings your upkeep will be your downfall. Hardly rocket science.
  19. No Wilf, I didn't say that. Fools and their money.
  20. Greece fiddled it's books knowingly to get into the Euro. I've been to Greece, three things I took away from the place. A lot of the men are treated like spoilt children, expecting women to wait on them. There was open disregard for law, I saw bribery happen, I saw common sense road safety breached (160kph centre solid double lines of a 4 lane road) as no punishment could be levelled against the offender. I saw how part of their tax system doesn't work. You pay tax after completing the construction of a house. Therefore if you want a two storey house, you apply for a three store
  21. I'm a fan of old sayings, one that comes to mind "After the revolution, things will be different, not better, just different".
  22. That depends on the situation at hand.
  23. I don't so much hear it but have a physical reaction in my ears, like a wince or a shock wave, an expectation of hearing something.
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