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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. The era of instant gratification. Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't Mueller have the scope to investigate anything he finds? Russia or no Russia.
  2. I forgot to check beforehand, I wonder did Paddy Power offer odds on the Russian election
  3. Yeah, I prefer someone who works behind the scenes. Look at the two arrests made was it during the Summer? Not one f***ing iota of info leaked before they were nabbed.
  4. Firing Mueller is the best thing Trump could do. For the rest of the world.
  5. Food is a commodity, that's the reality. People won't stop being weak. One cannot save them that don't wish to be saved. Let them eat cake. I'm in it for the €
  6. The consumer has free will and freedom of choice. Farmers markets etc are readily available (in most towns and all cities) alternatives to supermarkets. Nutritional information is available from a myriad of sources, who doesn't have internet now. They chose to buy cheap, this is the point. It's in your post with the % difference on food spend over the decades. Taste is great, price is king.
  7. It's down to the consumer. They want X but they buy Y, complain about the effect and are too lazy to educate themselves. They want nice countryside, good standards but buy the cheapest going in favour of smartphone or holiday. When proper industrial farming comes here, they can look in the mirror.
  8. Govt is in the control business, all Govts.
  9. Wont ever happen. The world has changed where the economies of scale mean industrial farming around the globe can squash indigenous farms in countries with higher input costs. The attempt of the Brexiteer to turn the clock back is probably the biggest delusion.
  10. No. "Customers" in agriculture are mainly factories for livestock or factory buyers/other farmers at marts. In dairying you have creameries. Tillage I am not so well up on. So you are selling to companies. Middlemen. Who then sell on to supermarkets etc, then to the consumer. I have often seen direct sales being tried out, inevitably there is a lack of reliable customer, too great a distance from population, distribution too time consuming, costs high. CAP is there to do many things, control the price of food, provide public goods etc. However it does not control the price of in
  11. It's a difficult question to answer because within farming there are many sectors, within the sectors there are many different variables in terms of farm resources, labour, borrowings, cost of system, second income, spouse working etc. The majority would fail IMO. If I had an alternative today I wouldn't be farming tomorrow, EU or no EU.
  12. Ming, the peoples champion, lol. I asked Ming a simple question, well over a year ago. I asked him "if" he was in favour of leaving the EU, as I didn't wish to assume his position, how then with the subsequent loss of CAP funding does he aspire to fund small and low income farmers? I asked if he was of the view that reclaiming Irish fishing grounds would make up for this shortfall? I asked, given (and he and his advisors know the following to be fact) MY deep and involved understanding of how Dublin would like to treat those same small and low income farmers, would he be comfortable
  13. Hm Something I noticed in the CNBC piece. Look at the two tweets, and the reactions to both. Retweets: 33k for The Don vs 108k for Comey. Likes: 115k for The Don vs 360k for Comey.
  14. Usual health warning... Not sure on timeframe... 4.8k incoming. Nosedive from 7.5k after retest. Keep your powder dry.
  15. Dont think we actually get much from the Russians here.
  16. We, in the West, are the dumb fucks. Why do we still let others have power over us by using fossil fuels? Why do we export advanced technology? These are silly things to do. I don't believe we're still that far ahead technologically.
  17. Think it was Mitt Romney in 08 or 12, whenever, described Russia as the greatest threat. He was laughed at at the time.
  18. And Putin got his billions from?............... Santa?
  19. You might want to rephrase that, what are you asking me?
  20. f**k Putin, nothing but a gangster.
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