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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. I like wasting British bandwidth, deal with it
  2. I was looking at those boxes too. If I could get one that would fit on the front of the sheep trailer as well as the tow bar of the car I'd be sorted, as I could then bring the dog while towing the sheep trailer. Where as with a dedicated dog trailer that won't work, and the sheep tend to laugh at me when I don't bring the dog, miserable b*****ds It might be the way to go I know I read before people saying about what if you get rear ended, good bye doggie, but I've never had it happen in the years I've been driving and imagine a small trailer wouldn't fare too much better.
  3. I didn't know they made range finders. I have a pair of their binoculars and they're fantastic Everyone who looks through them are always ooo-ing and ahhh-ing.
  4. He's hyper, thought it may have been his food so changed it, it's his nature But he's very good natured, friendly, good working dog. True, but he'd be a bit slower rounding up the sheep for me if I did that. Hadn't thought of that site, thanks John. I would have bought a van, except I needed at least three seats and the three seat vans available didn't do anything for me, save for the hi ace
  5. I hear pig farming is a dead loss??? farmer i know makes good money out of it -- keeps it small farmers markets, christmas market. and his own farm shop stays away from the big retailers -- i think it depends on your outlets i know his rare breed stuff makes good profit .. That would make sense if he's located well, near population centres. Plenty of markets, not high milage sparse populations areas. Big chains are a shower of c**ts, only ever interested in squeezing the life out of their suppliers then moving onto the next one, rinse and repeat.
  6. A sheep farmer I know is farming more rabbits than sheep, I'm not quite sure he realises or appreciates the business oppertunity though
  7. So I got a new car, a saloon. It's immaculate, no really, in fact it's too fcuking clean for me. I am more used to carrying bales of hay, bags of seaweed, cement and other assorted crap as well as out collie/kelpie sheepdog. Now my last car wasn't immaculate. One of the young lads friends once asked me "John, what's that smell?" I replied "I don't know Darragh, but if you find it I'll let you keep it", generous to a fault me There is only so much borrowing of the old mans car I can do before getting told to PFO, without the P The rear seats don't fold forward, I didn't re
  8. http://ukvarminting.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=16497&pid=134707&st=0entry134707
  9. JohnGalway


    Don't worry about it, plenty of good forums on the interweb now, it's not like years back where there was just a few
  10. 19 - 25 to us, maybe ye should start eating more tatties
  11. What happened next? Ow, 'n thistles, argh THUD! Urrgurgleefuckkkkkkkk EDIT: I knew it
  12. Gather round and have a listen http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/tv-radio/we-need-to-move-those-deer-crossing-signs-radio-clip-of-donna-the-deer-lady-goes-viral-3264318.html
  13. It is, but he never said how many rabbits he wanted to shoot. If it's a lot with a centrefire he'll want deep pockets, where as with a .22lr it's considerably cheaper.
  14. For fox I use a .223. .204, .222, .22-250, .243 and others will all do the job. For rabbits I'd use a .22lr. Some people prefer the HMR, having owned both I'm in the .22lr camp You're kind of falling between two stools there wanting the one gun for both, with cost of ammunition (lots fo bunnies) versus effectiveness (on fox).
  15. Very little common sense left in the (so called) developed world. Everything is by the book and for the book, if it doesn't have a number or a tick box then forget about it.
  16. If you can afford to, save up for a Leica. Even one of the older box like models. You won't need it for the .22 but when you move up calibres it'll pay for itself because of the quality. I haven't used other models really save for a Nikkon 440 ProStaff years ago! I wouldn't wish that on anyone 'cept the lad I gave it to (now let's see will he see this post LOL @ S).......
  17. All joking aside, it must have been a terrible expierence for the man.... ...but Jesus, I'm still laughing... I'm going to a warm place, I know. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-19979184
  18. I'm sure ye'll try ye're best lads, and still fall short
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