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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Stop making sense Scot, you know I don't like it when I have to agree with you, bloody inconsiderate, that's what it is
  2. There won't be a war with Iran, here's why, Romney isn't Bush, the Republican party isn't Bush. Bush went to war (Iraq)to avenge a percieved ill against GHWB, toppling Saddam was the right thing to do, but done for the wrong reasons, in the wrong way, at the wrong time, and by the wrong people. There's also no need for a war with Iran, look at what's happening in that part of the world with all these revolutions. What should have been done was to capatalise on the previous protests within Iran to topple the regeime. Doesn't matter how strong a regeime appears, even Saddam would have been toppl
  3. I should've cooled two bottles of that cider, damnit I didn't think it;d be drinkable!

    1. Malt


      Getting better now John?

    2. JohnGalway


      Yeah Malt, it was almost tasty lol. I've two bottles in the fridge right now. I better get to making a new batch at the weekend!

  4. did you get the catapult v3 mate Nope, the TN31 which is on special offer right now. Click the link in my sig for more info
  5. Come on Mitt, you can do it, it's now or never Don't be another chip man
  6. Should be a slurry tanker brought to every meet... Shit happens... In the countryside
  7. Gout That can fcuk right off, I don't eat well enough for gout, can feet get scurvy? That I would believe
  8. Hey, my cider doesn't taste like shit anymore, wahoo!

  9. Thanks Snap, I'll see how I get on with what I've ordered. Think it's my circulation that's the problem, I'm sat in this evening and I've blocks of ice on the ends of my feet lol. Might head out later to warm up
  10. Some people are in need of a gentle kick in the right direction, before they straighten up and fly right.

  11. Some beautiful looking people there. Just gotta go wash my eyes out with soap now.
  12. I dunno about them stalking humans or shooting them. But, one night I shot a fox who had made his way out onto a rock in a river. "Plop", in he went. I had to retrieve him for a Uni student who was researching how a particular cattle disease spreads, so off out onto the rocks I went. As I reached down to catch the foxes tail I heard a swish in the water What was it only an otter, no more than a foot away from my hand. I don't know what his plans were, but he wasn't one bit afraid of me and stayed put until I had fished my fox out, then went on his way.
  13. I have seen the light, and it's name is ThruNite!

  14. Creeped me out hearing it, knew I knew the voice at the start, then it clicked, the what he said
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nVXmMMSo47s&feature=related
  16. Letters from Iwo Jima is excellent, Flags of Our Fathers, meh, not so much for me. I'm fussy
  17. Found this pure by accident on YouTube, pity someone didn't give him a big kick, right between the eyes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWNPPmBa7HA
  18. You got there ahead of me, biggest pile of plop I've ever had the misfortune of watching.
  19. Man eating foxes ffs , pull the other one, it's got bells on Is that the fox in question, pictured Could go a few rounds with Mike Tyson I bet
  20. Glooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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