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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Ah well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I might look around for a water tight box smaller than the one it came in. I could doctor that up and stick it to the back of the lamp, maybe I've a pigeon magnet speed controller here as well, that might fit
  2. It's not often I'm caught out, being honest. But JG made a booboo today A lifetime ago, or however long freepost takes to get from China to Ireland I ordered some of these: The idea being to strip out the circuit board and have the dimmer control sticking out the back of my scope mounted Striker. They arrived this morning, I duly set about butchering my Striker this afternoon, carefully taking photos along the way to do up a nice post about it. All was going well, couple of important mistakes made and noted for the post Until
  3. VERY light weight flag on a VERY lightweight stick. Hinge the stick on the bottom of the side of the box, tie your string from the jaw to the flagpole. When the jaws shut, the flag should rise up. But, the whole thing needs to be feather weight - in fact a feather in a drinking straw maybe might be better! - so as not to interfere with the operation of the trap.
  4. Yes, it is legal. I strongly disagree with the hunting ban on dogs, it's not right. You only have to look in other sections of this site to see worse going on in other forms of hunting, legal issues firmly put aside. All these "discussions" boil down to is point scoring between us, because 9 times out of 10 these things turn nasty, points that other people might not have copped to so far and I think they should be left in the dark about them TBH.
  5. Fair play, always nice to put that type back in their box
  6. Try 28ah or 33ah ! Still prefer my flashlight
  7. Herselfs young lad (he's 10) told me yesterday how he was telling his teacher and class that I wait until the moon is gone away to shoot foxes on my farm because they eat my lambs Now he wants me to get him a fox skull to bring into class. I showed them one from a fox I shot last year or the year before that was laying about the farm. Think I'll need to run that one by their mother!
  8. Yeah I prefer killing them, it's more certain lol. I think the clutter is attracting them to my shed, got a little bit of straw down on the floor since Spring too. Once I get it decluttered and the straw out I reckon the catches will decrease as there is no food in there and won't be much junk after that.
  9. I can't remember your full ID, but did you get it finished?
  10. It is everytime,too many people comment its cruel with out really taking time to understand it,and I feel hunting with dogs is veiwed with real prejudice,and suffer's real discrimination,so to hear it from one of our own is bad in my eye's, we must use rational thoughts when forming opinion,not ones based on emotion,hunting need's to go on for the next 1,000 yr's,not victim of a unjust ban,forced by ministers with a real lack of impartiallity,and intent on there own political gain with no grasp of the role responsibilities that they signed up for,ie to serve the people, We shouldn't attac
  11. Catch it, kill it, eat it, THL style
  12. Our sheepdog is a kelpie/collie cross, he's very headstrong. He is as tough as nails and built like a female Eastern European bodybuilder from the ''s He jumped up at me last month, hit my hand with his paw and left a bruise Poor fella would rull until he dropped dead I reckon. He can't sit still I think I'd prefer the full collie, more bidable I think.
  13. I reckon so, when it's one side against another there's usually enough bitterness on display to get a lot of nothing done. But bring in an independent witness and that could change everything.
  14. Why waste your time worrying what an anti thinks? They hate us, they think we're mentally deranged cruel dangerous murderers - at the best of times. Give them no ammunition, that's why I will - OK not 100% of the time - have my gun in close to the fox/es in my photos. The first time I saw a case in a foxes mouth was to open it to show off their teeth while the photo was being taken. Sometimes I put a case there, mostly not. Lately the only reason I done it was to wind up someone giving out about it on this forum Say nothing that they can use against us, like that fool of a huntsman di
  15. Yeah, imagine them thinking they have a say over what happens on their land, shower of c**ts the lot of them.
  16. Man (I used to know on another site) headshot a fox once upon a time with a .243. Posted up the photo on the internet. Well done fella Good job Humane kill Good shot So, what went wrong? The photo only showed the fox. Nothing else. A fox with a mashed head. Ok, so what? So an anti saw the photo and posted it to one of their sites, and claimed the fox was killed by cruel hunters... ... with a pick axe. I don't see where I've been disrespectful to any fox I've shot, case in mouth or otherwise. I would bet the same guys giving out laughed at the posed photo
  17. Pretty thick to hand an anti a gift like that on a plate. Story won't load for me so I'll just go with what's been written here for the mo.
  18. Don't steal !! The Government hates competition...

  19. I'd love to hear gonetoearths view on this after his recent comments , apparently it can get cold when you wind the window down , do any of the 4x4 dog men bring along flasks? Top tip I am told
  20. I used to hear talk of ferrets putting rats out of holes, or was that just BS? Don't keep them myself, if I could get a €1 a rabbit I'd be a millionaire off some farms.
  21. I think rats aren't supposed to like ferrets alright. Whether they'll keep them out or not I don't know. Don't use poison inside or around a house that's all I'll say, my uncle did one time for mice who of course had to go and die under the floorboards in the hotpress Friend of mine says about counting foxes that you can only count the ones at your feet. I feel the same way about rats, prefer to take away the reasons for them being there then eradicate without mercy. Kill traps are the best IMO when you're sure there's nothing else around that shouldn't go into them. I must stop being
  22. I do a bit but I'm not very good. did a great braised beef in Irish stout last week. The recipe is up in the cooking or recipe section or whatever it is called.
  23. Winter is here alright, have got 3 rats in the mink cage over 4 nights and one mouse in a snap trap inside the mink cage for bait theft.... Final meal Mr Rat? Mouse for one on the way
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