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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Or he could have been sent to do a job. The best lies are the ones with the most truth in them.
  2. From Wikipedia: "Bezmenov's death was reported in 1993, but his death certificate has been described as "vague and suspect", with details unclear. This has led to suggestions that there was more to his death than met the eye, a faked death." Something is "off" about that guy. Maybe he's trying too hard.
  3. Tell us again your views on the black South Africans and Apartheid there Wilf old boy
  4. I suppose I look at it from a practical point of view, bake a cake & pocket the £, or this shit storm. Dealing with the public is cuntish any way you look at it, my thinking is err on the side of caution and protect yourself. I see no profit in the bakers decision, just risk.
  5. Meh, genuinely I don't have an opinion either way on whether they should or shouldn't, I don't care enough about it. What I can tell ya is this, I don't see any route where the baker does anything but lose the case. So, in that light they were dumb as f**k.
  6. I think if the bakery or butcher refused to sell you something that they do sell currently, because of something about you, then it's a fair comparison. Otherwise you're going into a tailors demanding to be sold a shotgun.
  7. Starving one day after coming in off the farm, left a steak out on the table to warm up. Went to wash myself up, come back, no steak? Rustling over in the corner. Fookin dog licking the bloody plastic bag
  8. Fair play to the happy couple, they were dead right to take action. Whoa, I can hear the keyboard mashing from here
  9. You have to look at it backwards. Is there a market for a product first, then work your way backwards. In any of these things I've read over the years, time has nearly always been the biggest expense.
  10. Vote Trump! Man of the people! (Billionaire? Move along, nothing to see here! Fake news!)
  11. You guys tried The Orchard Pig? Had a bottle of that a while back thought it was nice enough, think it's from Somerset?
  12. JohnGalway


    It's no surprise Russia did nothing. They're not able for a military confrontation with Ze Vest. They've got a lot of nukes, some good electronic/cyber warfare stuff but the rest is either too little or too shit. The language is interesting. Start of their threats was we'll shoot down missiles and fire on their launchers. Ended up as we'll so do that bit above, *cough*butonlyifRussiansareharmed*cough*. They wouldn't last against NATO and they know it.
  13. It's starting to get a bit interesting now. Will US launch missiles against Syria? I think yes. Will the USSR, sorry, ahem, Russia, attempt to shoot down those US missiles? I think that's very possible. Will..... I'll get it this time........ Russia (yes!) attack the "missile launchers" (presume US aircraft and Naval assets)? No, I don't think they will. I believe Twitter will be "embedded" right at the heart of US decision making The Red button Donnie, press the Red button!
  14. Well he sure is cutting the size of big gubberment. Not sure he realises it's people other than them you hired yourself you're meant to fire.
  15. Just gloss over the elephant in the room.
  16. That wasn't for you, couldn't get the quote to work properly, f***ing EU messed it up on me! Godless b*****ds.
  17. Allez les bleus Calm yer tits, ye can elect Nige, who has no dodgy links at all https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/sep/07/nigel-farage-to-address-far-right-rally-in-germany
  18. Always thought it was easy enough, sometimes wondered at previous on here, if you're up to no good don't put it on the f***ing internet. As for faceache, I signed up to promote something, Twitter worked better. Don't care who looks at it, another easy rule don't put anything out there you wouldn't want on the front of a newspaper. Some people are easily swayed, like the Cambridge Analytics stuff, games on faceache what's your fave colour? Then we'll match your age with your fave colour and target whichever advert at you. People are idiots.
  19. I had forgotten. http://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-43611547/viktor-yushchenko-ukraine-s-ex-president-on-being-poisoned
  20. Gulag for you comrade.
  21. RIP Claude Jeremiah Greengrass. Knew it was bad news when I saw the title.
  22. She could do a good impression of an oul dragon though.
  23. There's always colic I guess.
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