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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. my crelant came this morning but i wasn't there to sign for it. sad sad times LOL, you know what, have a drink, chill out, put some tunes on You can either laugh or cry
  2. Ever see The Great Escape? Where they make the moonshine from spuds? Ever see the faces drinking it? I can empathise with that right about... now...

    1. paulus


      the joys of homebrew......lol

  3. Legally, this song may only be played at full volume. Therefore if you play it at even a shade less, you are about to get a visit from some very nasty men. That will be all. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4l9QsjcemA&feature=related
  4. Yes, the moisture has to be the problem here, as it didn't happen last night. I will fabricate something tomorrow and see how it goes. Vexing when it appears out of nowhere like that, I am thankful I didn't spot any foxes tonight!
  5. Baler twine, the source of, and solution to all of lifes problems.
  6. I wouldn't mind testing on a bright night, but I really hate wasting these proper dark nights.
  7. No, I adjusted it all angles and it made no difference. I also removed the rail and mounted it as far forward on the scope as possible, still the same result. Scope was a bit wet, hmm, if that's it I'm in the wrong country. Going to have to fabricate a long sunshade tomorrow for the torch. Annoying as hell that it happened tonight but was crystal last night.
  8. This doesn't make sense Last night I used the exact same set up, the exact same way, lined up scope and torch at 178 yards on a big rock I could see very clearly. Scope mounted FandyFire STL V6 LED flashlight, mounted to a scope ring picatinny/weaver rail thingy by an adjustable mount. On inspection it is throwing some light onto the arse end of my T8 can. But, it had to be doing that last night too! There is a difference in the weather tonight, in that there was a downpour, the mod was wet, there is also more moisture in the air. But, remove the mod, problem gone.
  9. Don't know what;s going on with these links...........
  10. I don't think it's legal, but I'm not saying that's Gospel either.
  11. Another this morning, this cold weather is really driving them indoors, it's only a small shed. I'll habe to put up a "No Vacancies" sign!
  12. Pile of utter plop I have heard. You shouldn't use FMJ for hunting, an FMJ round will pass through a small animal and do relatively little damage leaving that animal to run off, possibly mortally wounded to suffer a long agonising death. The wound channel inside the animal is what knocks it on the spot, the next two rounds below are specifically designed to create large wound channels by deforming and fragmenting, while an FMJ wasn't designed for that job. Ballistic tip and hollow point for varmints under fox size, probably less common but could also use Soft Nose for fox size and abov
  13. US get's involved as there is a very effective Jewish lobby in the States. Iran uses terror groups to fight it's war against USA/Israel for it, Syria as well, or used to before their current difficulties. It's all about projecting power, and influencing other nations. It's the way things have been done for a very long time. Persecution based on ones race, colour, or creed is ugliness in it's pureist form IMV.
  14. Candlepowerforums, or the budget light forum will have those type of numbers. They're usually buried in a review for a specific torch, then they'll compare torches using various tables like the above Quickest way to find them is probably Google "Candle power forums Thrunite tn31 review" (Or any other model torch anyone is interested in).
  15. For one side or the other to win. Fancy laying a bet? I'd back the Israeli's but something tells me neither of us will be around to collect
  16. I must figure out how to measure the alcohol content in this stuff, one bottle and that's me Feeling no pain here
  17. I take it he's not a very good huntsman then? which pack is he with? Well, they've all got funny names so I think they're out somewhere foreign
  18. Oh we'll I apologise then I've never heard of John Terry sorry You've missed nothing
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