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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. I think you need a better fence
  2. Nearly time to crack open a bottle of homebrew...

    1. JohnGalway


      It's funny stuff, the more of it you drink the better it gets

    2. long dogs

      long dogs

      sounds top stuff,what did you put in it

    3. JohnGalway


      Made it with Lidl or Aldi (I forget which) pure apple juice, and some cider yeast. It's actually fairly rough lol, but it's a novelty to brew my own. I'll have to get another batch started as I made some mistakes with this one I think.

    4. Show next comments  108 more
  3. Particularly good series about Dublins drug underworld. http://www.rte.ie/drama/tv/featured/lovehate/
  4. Not all of the bottles are fizzy. I don't know why, it all came from the same batch. The really, really, really bad shit seems to be in those bottles. The fizz in the other bottles seems to distract ones tastebuds from the inevitable lol
  5. No, it's ok, I've reconsidered asking
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bwAw9ThDQmk&feature=related
  7. I'm wearing Dunlop Purofort at the moment (farming in the day, lamping at night), the one with the red fish in the sole. but, they've split where the sole meets the upper so they're not perfect either. I'm still waiting to find something that'll last me. If any manufacturers wish to send me samples for testing.......... lol.............
  8. Would a Boyds stock fit it. I've a laminate thumbhole on my .223 and they're a lovely stock.
  9. And when it's all over, this is what we'll have left
  10. Just copy and paste the URL (the www. bit) and it will convert automatically like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpWEv9Q0XQ4&feature=related
  11. If you ask nicely and bring enough dollars I'm sure they can arrange it Scot http://www.regent-holidays.co.uk/country/north-korea/
  12. Careful how you crack open that egg now... ...puhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
  13. That'd be some surprise to get in your sock on the 25th
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U8CZAKSsNA
  15. Lol, we're back to the other thread now! It's easy to do nothing.
  16. I don't know enough about the targets they selected, and why they selected them, to agree or disagree with it. So, you would do the above. OK. So Hamas keep firing rockets at you, because they're Iranian puppets. And maybe they find new ways of smuggling suicide vests into Israel and blowing up busses, markets, nightclubs, pretty much anywhere people gather. Then what do you do? I'll tell you, nothing, because you'd have been kicked out of office for letting it happen. I don't think everything Israel does is right, but I think they've a right to exist and to protect that ex
  17. They do, and they are warm. They're also fairly heavy. I've owned two if not three of the Esk flavour, which split at the heel, split at where the toe creases, and they'll tear easily. But, they are warm
  18. A vid of the Thrunite? I don't have a camera good enough to do night videoing I'm afraid, otherwise I'd have a vid of a lot of deceased foxes. I wouldn't say it's a good spotter if I didn't think so, and I wouldn't leave home my LF Striker and big battery if I had any doubts. Foxes take a small chunk out of my pocket when they eat my lambs so I'm kind of serious about shooting them, by no means the best but it's never been a sport for me.
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