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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. In fact you're rejecting reality here, most of your points have been "Israel, f**k off". Which is completely absurd. Iran has a long and glorious history of State support for terrorism across the world. "Hamas's armed wing said on Saturday it had launched an Iranian-made Fajr-5 rocket at Tel Aviv, about 43 miles north of Gaza, in the third rocket attack on the city since Wednesday. Israeli police said the rocket was intercepted mid-air by an Israeli anti-missile battery." http://www.independe...es-8327310.html
  2. You can't compare the two. Other countries would have had to have invaded the UK on NI's behalf to do that, never happened. Other countries HAVE invaded Israel and failed. So my point remains, the Palestinian fight is doomed. They've got no advantage what so ever over Israel, militarily, technologically, economically, tactically or strategically. If they stopped firing rockets and rejected terrorism they may get some leverage over Israel on moral grounds which may help them internationally. But while their people continue to support those doing that, remember Hamas is their elected
  3. While Hamas keep hurling rockets into Israel, Israel will keep responding. How does it help the situation to bring on ground invasion, it's utterly pointless. It will not aid the Palestinians in any way except get more of them killed. The rockets they're using are so shite one of them fell into their own territory 75 have been fired into Israel today alone. The point you're chosing to miss, as well as reality, is that Israel is going nowhere. It's there and it will stay there. The combined efforts of it's neighbours and entire nations in that region haven't been able to shift it. It suits
  4. Purple light in the canyon that is where I long to be
  5. thats no reason not to fight It is when the result is the slaughter of your own people. The very best they can hope for is a negotiated settlement with Israel. That won't happen until Israel feels it's own security is guarenteed. As long as terrorist organisations control the Palestinians they'll continue in this endless cycle of violence. It's a very different case to NI. It would be like all the UK population living IN Ireland, not mostly on the Island next door. No one won up there either, negotiations were the only thing to stop the madness.
  6. israel cannot win either, they must stop the land grab and killing. I don't see anyone able to stop them. Despite the backing of how many oil/gas rich nations? Even Pakistan don't like them, and they DO have nuclear weapons.
  7. Palestinians cannot win this fight. That's the long and the short of it despite what people like or dislike. For their own good they need to realise that and stop letting outside powers use them like pawns. Iran uses Hamas, Hamas used the Palestinian people.
  8. realistic or not, nobody stopped them going back home, now its to late, these zionist vermin will start ww3 sooner or later. In this world you have to be realistic.
  9. That's the disadvantage with boots, they nearly always get swamped at some stage or another and take forever to dry (if you don't want to damage them). Wellies on the other hand, unless you fall in a bog hole you're good to go night after night, can even repair them with stuff like StormSure if they do crack.
  10. Join Candlepowerforums if you haven't already, ask if they've seen that problem before. It might be something simple. Email whoever you bought it off and inform them also, they may be able to help via email or send it back.
  11. About 200 nukes buys a fair bit of leverage in todays money. What exactly would you have Israeli's do? Seeing as they're completely surrounded by enemies and the sea. they are surrounded by enemies cos of what they have done, i say it again, why should the palestinians pay with land and life for something they had nothing to do with, ww2. I didn't ask you why they're surrounded by enemies, I asked you what would you have them do? I don't hear many answers to that question All the way back in the 's Israel was helping Hamas build mosques, look it up. They're there now (Israel), are yo
  12. My Crelant 7G5CS arrived this morning, also a Collimator (aspherical) head for it. It's a weighty little thing, and a little bit bigger than the FandyFire STL V6. The effect the Collimator head has on the beam is gas, just a small square shaped light on the wall with damn all spill. The little button just behind the head controls the brightness, not as I'd like, but not as bad as I had feared. Press and hold, the light will slowly dim or brighten to dark/full. I had read the light flashes three times when it gets to full brightness and was concerned that would scare off foxes, but when I s
  13. It's not as much fun to shoot as the .22lr and it's a lot more expensive. I don't know, I just really do dislike it. Maybe in th enew year I'll trade it in for a nice .22lr again! Then I'll have to get working on changing my semi auto shotgun for a nice side by side. That would be me done then unless I decide to scratch my deer itch.
  14. The subs have enough poke if the shot placement is spot on, if it's not though he'll run so be mindful of that People talk of head shots, but it's the brain you're after I sold my .22lr and got a .17hmr, worst decision ever!
  15. Cobra? Nice fox, yards is the farthest I shot one when I had my .22lr as well. He was uphill from me and the bullet passed right through his skull/brain/skull, dropped on the spot.
  16. I have to say Mr & Mrs c**ts house looks nicer
  17. What did you make of that Night Stalker? I thought it followed on very well from the first episode, even felt sorry for Elmo and Dazzler!
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