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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Only just managed to work the cramp outta me hand to type this, ya twat!
  2. This is one I'm going to try soon: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/9844/twicecooked-pork-belly-with-an-onion-and-apple-vel
  3. Featured on Love/Hate tonight http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=o9n8D-YHlzw
  4. If you can view it, I think there's a Lamb Rogan Josh cooked on the link below using lamb neck, the chef is excellent by the by: http://www.rte.ie/player/ie/show/10089733/
  5. I'd attach claymores to all my doors if I had any, locks only keep out honest folks.
  6. Best episode yet! Pressure is on Elmo now for real, friends, family, and enemies gunning for him.
  7. I've discovered something interesting during my, ehmmm, sampling process. When I open the swing top bottles and they give a loud POP!, that's a good'un. But, when they give no pop, or just a tiny pop, that's when I know it's a wrng'un. To sum up, my cider is like farts, the silent ones are deadly
  8. When life was simpler, when a pack of gum, a mirror, and some duct tape could get you out of any situation
  9. Oh look, cider...

    1. albert64


      having some cidre as we speak

    2. JohnGalway


      Yup, got another chillin outside on the window cill

  10. Looking up recipes and getting very hungry... Where's that food porn anon number gone....

  11. RIP the best TV bad guy ever !
  12. JohnGalway


    So we know two things about Millet now, he's not funny, and he's an ugly barsteward
  13. Bottle gas cooker here, a lot simpler than all this shite, works when the power is out too
  14. Busting a gut laughing at the TV at the moment. I know he's known of, but still thought it worth the share http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1keWf42NZ0I
  15. Cancel his supply of beans and cabbage, apparently it's terrible windy around him
  16. http://www.bbcgoodfo...acon-cacciatore Didn't follow the recipe to the letter. I used most of a small bottle of white wine instead of vinnegar. I didn't put in 500ml of stock, rather just dissolved the cube into the bottom of a cup of hot water - otherwise it'll be WAYY too watery. I've added sliced mushrooms and chopped celery. No point in using chicken with skin on it, as it'll just go soggy, so I used chicken breasts (I put in 6 which I cut into thirds, but 8 - 10 would be better. Cooked it all on a grill pan, covered it with tinfoil and left it simmer for a good hour and a half, me
  17. So, no fella running a dog has ever made a lamp shy fox? If you're saying that, it's very far from the truth. Any fox given a fright on a lamp won't hang around again for one anytime soon.
  18. Site is telling me I can't quote all the people I want to in this thread, and spidey sense is telling me not to bother replying in the first place, but f**k it here goes anyway... Yes, a .22lr will kill a fox dead.I used Eley Subsonics in mine and could get 1 and sub 1 inch groups at 100 yards. Use the (hollowpoint, not solids) round that is most accurate in your rifle. The trick with a .22lr is being able to hit the right place every time, you don't then you have an injured animal. Know your ranges off by heart, know your bullet rise and drop off by heart. I would Google image foxes
  19. I just uninstalled Chrome It came with that programme you recommended (that didn't work ) above
  20. Nothings been installed in the last month besides anti virus/adware stuff. Am on firefox.
  21. Something rustic from the country side, an old farm implement, or maybe a nice fishing scene, it's worth due consideration at this stage
  22. Downloaded that, ran it, cleaned up a couple of things Restarted laptop, still got this fooking blank advert!
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