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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. What I'd like to know is this, what's the UK's plan to pay future pensions AND deal with it's debt level? Answers on a postcard by close of business Monday please
  2. If ye can manage to get yer heads around it, the reason ye are lending money is to defer (more) pain at home due to a loss of export markets. The trick to that play is for good times to arrive, the longer that takes, the more puckered and squeaky things become
  3. Pay the Queen first ye hun supportin, granny robbin, tv license dodging orangeman twat j/k
  4. Yes, considering the alternative An increase in the cost of exports compared to a collapsed economy was a no brainer. At the time, we had run out of money, no if's but's or anything else, we were f****d for a variety of reasons.
  5. WTF! This is true, crazy or what !!.......that's euro economics at its very best crazy?? no its f****d up, most of this debit euro stuff go's over my head, and our own debit here, but even i know you don't lend money to get out of debit, but the thing that gets me, is why if we are skint, why are we still handing out money to others! we've all falling on hard times, i'm just getting back on my feet now after a few months off and i never lent money out when i was skint edit and why are we robbing the poor and old, the bankers f****d us, so they should pay it all back Beca
  6. These cuts are supposed to be going towards bringing the deficit down in this country and hundreds of thousands of government jobs were cut to save money, (no real loss, some of them..) yet this government is borrowing more now than the last one and the debt is getting bigger.. We pay as much interest servicing debt as we spend on defence.. The money being borrowed is our money in the first place so who the f**k's pockets are getting lined by the interest? It's certainly not ours.. It's no wonder the very rich at the top are getting ever richer even now, and they're not even doing so off the b
  7. Consider the article below, if the Euro were to fail and the associated problems within the Eurozone countries in the aftermath: http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2010/feb/24/uk-trade-exports-imports#_
  8. Lol, I don't have all the answers to the Euro problems, I was only butting in to make a point about Greek exports.
  9. Then the international vultures move on to Italy, then Spain, etc. It won't solve the problem.
  10. There's no could about it Mush, there's no charity, mercy, or conscience (spelling) in "The City" and their ilk, they'd squeeze Greece for every cent they don't have. Ireland was a target before we went into the bailout, the pressure on us was relentless. Don't forget that it wasn't so long ago the UK had the IMF in town An economy doesn't exist without a working banking sector. A successful economy isn't one that's chaotic and fragile. They'll stay inside the Euro and threaten their way to a more manageable debt level, IMO. Too much to lose for the likes of Germany for the Euro t
  11. I would do as we in Ireland are doing. Keep poking away at the debt, and keep working away on our exports plus anything else that creates a euro, buck, pound, yen or yuan. For Greece to leave the Euro would be too much of a shock to that country, it wouldn't just suffer, it would fail. But I, honestly, have little sympathy for them. They cooked their national books and lied to get into the Euro, they don't/won't/can't collect their taxes, and don't seem to want to work. A lot of their current situation is down to their own actions. They need to get their debt down, they can't affor
  12. Now write out 100 times "I will never doubt JG again" LOL. I've answered the question in another post. They won't be able to afford their imports, daily regular goods we all buy. Their banks will be fúcked overnight, no money for business loans, no money in the ATM's, who invests in a country with a fúcked banking system? Their top heavy civil/public sector workers won't get paid, leading to massive civil trouble. If you think the scenes from Greece are bad now, then well and good, cut them loose and see what happens. Their debts would be in Euros, their new currency would spiral downwards
  13. And before someone mentions the good people of the proud nation of Iceland, realise they're actively looking to join the Euro.
  14. Yes, I seriously do think we wouldn't benefit. And I know because we've had that discussion here many times nationally. How countries "used to" do things is irrelevant because there are different factors at play being within the single currency. Our new currency would be singled out by international vultures, our cost of living would soar, the price of imports would rise dramatically, we wouldn't be able to pay for public services and most other associated things Govt funded.
  15. Are you sure? Look into future UK pensions for a start.
  16. And devaluing helps them how? It wouldn't. Why would it? They speak a funny language and are on the wrong end of Europe as well as being work shy. You won't get cheaper costs because their debt will be in Euro's still and their currency will be worth something South of nothing. And the price of imports would soar beyond the reach of most of the population, plus as above their debts would be held in Euros, with the value of their own currency racing the wrong way from that debt level.
  17. That's why we joined it Wilfred. Do remember though, before our current financial difficulties we were about to become net contributors to the EU budget. But the point of my post was to say it's a nonsense to say Greece would export better with their own currency. They wouldn't, quite simply because they export sweet fúck all.
  18. What exports? Serious question. Olives and............. ? f**k all. 2011 estimates (CIA World Fact Book - I know...) Greece exports $28.16bn Ireland exports $118.1bn Denmark $111.8bn Finland $78.83bn So if Ireland, with $118.1bn worth of exports doesn't think it worthwhile having the Punt back to devalue, what sense does it make for Greece with $28.16bn and add to that their non existent tax collection system, as well as corruption.
  19. I guarentee, one episode Jig, you'll be hooked. It's not hard to follow, they're all bad lol. Nidge is the drug gang boss, Trish of the lovely arse is his missus. He's under a little bit of work related stress, importing weapons for the Low Fat IRA and trying to put them off the scent of Gits murder at the same time. Darren or Dazzler is the gangs hitman, he's just killed an innocent couple on Nidges orders to get Nidge out of trouble with the Low Fat IRA Tommy's girlfriend Siobhan was raped by Git, leader of the Low Fat IRA in Dublin. Tommy kicked the shit out of Git and the gang kille
  20. That's it Scot, stick it to the man
  21. JohnGalway


    Not sure he still does it? but I only vaguely remember that thread so I might well be wrong.
  22. Oh you gotta see it Jig http://www.rte.ie/player/ie/
  23. How much do ye get for the skins? Lucky to get a "Thank you" for shooting them here
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