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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. By not giving a flying f**k about the law in the first place, and having 300 family members turn up at the drop of a hat doesn't hurt either.
  2. Of course there would be underlying issues. But, people have no right intruding on other peoples privacy with childish shit like they did. Someone mentioned candid camera before, it's very different. I was with my sister when she was almost caught out by a crew trying that on here. After the fact, you have to sign a waver to allow the footage of you be broadcast. The nurse in question was given no such courtesy. I'd say walk a mile in her shoes, some of you would probably enjoy that though!
  3. Just after moving all my worldly possessions, fecks sake, where did I gather up all that shite from!

    1. scothunter
    2. Malt


      When we moved 2 1/2 years ago you wouldn't have believed the amount of junk I had to take to the tip out of the attic! lol It was all stuff that had been put up there because it wasn't being used but was too good to chuck out. We always intended to car boot it all but never got round to it. 10 years we were in that place and had a fecking big attic! :( lol

    3. JohnGalway


      I found all sorts, but the best thing I found were "cats eyes" I picked up off the road, four of them. Come lambing time I have an idea for them and a foxes body....... hur hur hur....

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  4. Do you lot have "chuggers" over there? "Charity muggers", nauseatingly happy in your face types who accost you on the street. "HI! Can I have a minute!" while they step into your path or follow you down the street, no you f*****g may not. Or, my other charity related rant, junk mail! Donate to certain charities and they'll flood you with crap. As if we all suffer from memory loss and think they magically go POP! and vanish after we give. If I want to, and can afford to give I will, browbeating will only result in generous donations of profanity, which is in ample supply
  5. Either a training or an anti bark collar.
  6. 'The last Liard molecatcher was a bit of a party animal, and turned the residence into a cabaret and a brothel,' said Baraton. 'One day Napoleon was strolling in the gardens, and a prostitute came out and propositioned him. The molecatcher was immediately thrown out and that was the end of the residence.' :laugh: Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz2EOScwMCa Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
  7. People who listen to those types of wankbags, and the two linked to below, are what make this kind of thing OK in some gormless celebrity twats tiny little arse biscuit of a mind, that's why these things happen. http://news.bbc.co.u...ent/7694989.stm So stop listening to and reading what these shitbags produce and they will go away, the world will be a better place. Same as I said on another thread, no respect is the problem. No respect for anyones privacy, no respect for the elderly, no respect full stop. Someone has a sig about beatings continuing until morale improves, my mo
  8. I knew a fella in school who walked through glass. Mind you he spent a fair while getting stitches afterwards.
  9. That's it, the halo's and rings, that sounds familiar alright.
  10. Tommy ya twat. Only brain damage though, so he'll be back to normal next week
  11. Rain again, it's never far away

    1. theferreter


      def not john its never far away in this country

  12. The reasons I suggest fixed is there's no playing to be done with variable zoom or parallax. The vast majority of the foxes I've shot has been on 8x. It'll also be cheaper that a lot of comparable variables. Plus if an 8x56 S&B is bought in good condition and looked after, it's about as hard to sell on again as the winning Lotto numbers - once it's sensibly priced on both transactions. Use a light round for Mr Fox and it'll be a nice flat shooter as well. I miss my speelcheeker, this Chrome thing sucks.
  13. For foxes and deer, second hand Hungarian Schmidt & Bender 8x56. Spend the rest of the 2k on important things.
  14. The pain in my finger is distracting me from my toothache...

  15. This is one I'm going to try soon: http://www.bbcgoodfo...n-and-apple-vel Had it tonight, nom, nom, nom, will be trying it with duck another time.
  16. I've been wearing glasses since I was 11 or 12, am now borderline not being able to get slimmed down lenses Knew a girl who got her eyes done, cost her a fair few thousand, she's back wearing specs again. I've also heard that it interferes with your vision at night, but I don't know was that accurate or rumour.
  17. Amen to that, I live in tumbleweedville, could get anything I wanted if I ask the right people.
  18. I think the tossing aside of the Gold standard is to blame for all this. It was the best and worst decision ever taken. The best because it allowed unparalleled growth, the worst as it also allowed unparalleled greed which has seen "made up money" try to satisfy. A finite resource can be a good thing.
  19. dont worry about the the uk bud we have got out of the shit many times oh and we have a little plot of land called the city of london ! You have indeed But mark my words, they ain't worried about no man 'cept themselves and that includes you, me and everyone else on here. The only reason I posed those two questions was it seemed some in the UK think the UK has NO challenges to face, they have, and they're not going to solve themselves.
  20. Yet when I go to Italy, Spain, or Greece, I say thank God for the Euro, I can go with the money in my pocket and not have any problems
  21. We've already got that covered, we start working the elderly to death so they never get it.. Prayers? Yeah, that's doing the rounds. My Dad is 78, 79 next July, he still works the farm and he'll die on it too. But, retire him ten years ago? He wouldn't be alive today.
  22. I'm off to watch Homeland on RTE Player and crack open a couple of bottles of gutrot. Ah yes, life is good here in IMFland
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