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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Listen tae Father Ted............ Stop being bitter cos you're short and ginger, it's how God wanted you
  2. Tellin ya, THL is a TV mini series all of it's own, some type of Shameless mixed with Emerdale Farm and a bit of Heartbeat thrown in, and a bit of Taggart for them odd fuckers up North
  3. Put that to the A-Team music and change the graphics to country side sports, evictions, and a few gratuitous explosions (possibly from redneck distillations) and you're onto a winner
  4. ..and you had the cheek to suggest I must have been bullied at school in another thread for knowing a little bit about the night sky? I bet you had a hell of a time of it, what with you being a ginger, a reality TV fan, and a snitching wee b*****d! :laugh:
  5. Lying git of a weatherman said it wouldn't rain before midnight...

  6. Well done! Plenty of cats around here need the same treatment, just imagining now the uproar if lads local to this part of the world were to put up those pics lol.
  7. It will, am thinking of making it again soon, getting hungry thinking about it lol.
  8. I think in this world you gotta own the land you're own to expect any peace. Even at that peace is somewhat of an illusion as modern "civilised" society want's it's pound of flesh from all of us.
  9. The stuff I make isn't directly from apples, well it is but.... I buy cartons of Lidl/Aldi cloudy apple juice. It's not from concentrate, it's pure apple juice.Got no orchards around here. If I didn't put the recipe at the start of this thread (can't remember, too lazy to check ) I'll be making another batch soon (should have done months ago!).
  10. there's a busy little f****r inside the front of my head this morning, tap tap tapping away with his hammer and chisel...

    1. JohnGalway


      Lol, yeah, or give him jackhammer tomorrow

  11. Jig, do you do much of that type of work? Lookin good in the pic man
  12. Yeah, it's something I must look into, I have heard of those tablets before, Poured two bottles down the sink again today. After downing two 500ml bottles here, lightweight I may be, but when it's good, it's f*****g real good lol................. JG, feeling no pain .
  13. if I kill myself I want everyone who called me ginger to face some form of punishment!!!.. Lol I've never called you anything, I don't think anyway But I'm debating getting in on the action now So your hoping I kill myself?? Right that's it I want you banned, Paulus are you listening making a formal complaint!!! Now where did I put that tub of paracetamol.... Lol Ah would ya feck off, sure how can I pull the piss out of a ghost. Here now, that's a quandry, if you're a ghost is it an orange sheet you'd be wearing? nope... Standard white sheet with added green hoop
  14. if I kill myself I want everyone who called me ginger to face some form of punishment!!!.. Lol I've never called you anything, I don't think anyway But I'm debating getting in on the action now So your hoping I kill myself?? Right that's it I want you banned, Paulus are you listening making a formal complaint!!! Now where did I put that tub of paracetamol.... Lol Ah would ya feck off, sure how can I pull the piss out of a ghost. Here now, that's a quandry, if you're a ghost is it an orange sheet you'd be wearing?
  15. if I kill myself I want everyone who called me ginger to face some form of punishment!!!.. Lol I've never called you anything, I don't think anyway But I'm debating getting in on the action now
  16. No, but there's a guy below making his own arrows, presume he may have made a bow as well: http://www.boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2056827638
  17. Because they're idiots Graham, this is tabloid radio. Look at what tabloid newspapers have done, with that dead childs phone etc. all for a bit of money and all! That's about the height of it unfortunately. Problem I have is intrusion on peoples lives. None of us knows what's going on in someone elses head, or to a lesser degree behind closed doors. To the rest of the world that nurse was likely doing grand, a perfectly normal person. But, she could have had the weight of the world on her shoulders for all we know, or maybe she had come through something like that and her f
  18. That avatar, like Ian Rushes long lost ugly step brother, twice removed.
  19. Because they're idiots Graham, this is tabloid radio. Look at what tabloid newspapers have done, with that dead childs phone etc.
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