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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. http://www.onestopthrowshop.com/OSTS-TN31mb-TN31mb.htm
  2. http://www.deben.com/lithium-polymer-battery-packs.html You can thank Paulus in this thread: http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/272146-lithium-batterys/#entry2957959
  3. Have eaten too much, mission accomplished!

    1. JohnGalway


      Haha yeah, all my energy has gone to digestion today, herself is making fun of my swelled belly

  4. It is, easy to make in fairness, had another slice earlier on lol.
  5. Clothes and cash, needed both, lol.
  6. Just don't lift the hand blender out of the cream while it's still going...............................................
  7. The biscuit base needed spooning out but never mind, tasted lovely
  8. This is how it looked out of the tin, excuse the mess, there was a lot going on!
  9. Try it and see Chris, we made it 50% bigger due to the tin we used, I put in about 80ml but it could have taken more. Turned out fabulous
  10. Well I know how you feel, I just had to put a pup to sleep just a while ago, there was an accident earlier on, so that's put a major dampener on proceedings. Life is fragile.
  11. That Norad tracker is gas, the kids were stuck to it. Santas now home at the North Pole after delivering 7.06 billion presents
  12. First time I've seen a hat for a lamp lol !!
  13. Well I reckon we're all set here, got the presents, got all the food (and more ), probably should send the kids to bed now in the hope of them being asleep by 10pm lol
  14. http://www.bbc.co.uk/food/recipes/baileysandchocolatec_72293 Got it nearly done, chilling in the fridge for two hours now... Might get some strawberries to put on top yet. The digestive biscuit and butter base: Got the topping on and ready for the fridge: Cream and a dusting of chocolate powder to go on after a while.
  15. I cut all the lugs off my filters, and put one layer of black insulating tape around the edge to stop light spilling back at me. Pocket on my jacket will take the filter that way but it's still a pain in the rear end really.
  16. Well too feckin late now cos the fat mans on his way lol... http://www.noradsanta.org/en/track.html Merry Christmas to all THL'ers, hope it's a good one for ye all
  17. Ahhhhhhhhhhh, so that's what I've been doing wrong, lol.
  18. No, but can't the cops prosecute them at tax payers expense?
  19. JohnGalway


    Lock, stock, and two smokin' barrels style.. Kennyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !
  20. Oops, just dented the kitchen ceiling...

  21. I'm going to get a few bits and pieces together for after Christmas, no sense in trying to gather stuff until the fat man empties his sack.......
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