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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. nice to see you john you still kicking haha For sure, hard kill a bad thing
  2. if he was calling you he would of said a twisty old c**t Meow
  3. Don't waste your money, that's all that "LED" will be. Buy a Thrunite TN31, don't know how they'd be for dags (someone will have to take one for the team there, I don't got a dog) but for I use one for spotting and I leave the LF at home. On the LF front, I've a HID conversion kit in the post from Oz, not arrived yet due to Christmas etc. Told it will draw 1/3rd of the power of a 100W bulb and give better distance. It, however, won't dim, takes 15 or so seconds to get to "full" power, but quite bright by 5 seconds. So, not for everyone.
  4. It beats sitting out in the driving rain and 15-20 mph wind we have here at the minute. Tell me about it. I'm sat here listening to water dripping off nextdoors roof onto the flat roof, rain hitting the window, and the wind blowing, just like last night, and yesterday, and for variety we had a storm the night previous, and there's to be more "interesting" weather over the next few days.
  5. JohnGalway


    The American branch got their noses wiped for them lately (non hunting story) http://www.marketwatch.com/story/aspca-pays-93-million-in-landmark-ringling-bros-and-barnum-bailey-circus-settlement-2012-12-28
  6. Kinda glad I never went out earlier, listening to all the sleet hitting the window

  7. Very well done Hate that "Click!", done it once or twice myself. Second time the fox got away because we were too busy laughing
  8. Well you Irish folk aren't generally backward about being forward in any case! ...or is it not forward about being backward, I get confused? 'follow me sir, I'm right behind you....' You sound like officer material, lol.
  9. If you let that goat life (cruel fecker) and let him loose you'd have zero ivy problems Though you might have a goat problem But we can't have everything...
  10. Never saw the point of a new member section myself. That's nothing against new members, just jump right in.
  11. Gonna have a go at making my own yogurt and butter in the New year. Would like to get a couple of cows at some stage and really do the job from scratch.
  12. Did you learn nothing from the deer catching video
  13. You'll be fine with 1:12, that's what my Remington is and I've killed them at 300 with 40 grain bullets. It's a fair way out.
  14. Take a look at this john... Its in roscommon... Be a bit of craic anyway! http://www.celticcamp.com/ They built their own fort Pfft, I done that when I was 6 ! Compound bow is what I'd be interested in I think, would love to hunt with it but living in the land of liberal facism no chance.
  15. Another feckin item to add to the list
  16. Reckon there's a few on here would get hitched the way they carry on
  17. Getting windy out now, nice storm brewing...

  18. http://www.onestopth...31mb-TN31mb.htm The thrunite tn31 is an amazing bit of kit, few spare batteries in your pocket and your sorted. The link is to a modified TN 31. I have a stock TN31 and I'm happy to leave the lightforce at home for searching. My god, modified....the original throws far enough....must go for miles. Read all about it, as they say, "Monster thrower" thread http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/forumdisplay.php?138-OMG-Lumens-OneStopThrowShop
  19. Sacrifice him to appease the weather Gods
  20. http://www.onestopth...31mb-TN31mb.htm The thrunite tn31 is an amazing bit of kit, few spare batteries in your pocket and your sorted. The link is to a modified TN 31. I have a stock TN31 and I'm happy to leave the lightforce at home for searching.
  21. It's no use to you with your time limit, but I've ordered a HID conversion kit for my 170 from down under. Fella says it draws 1/3rd of the power of a 100W bulb and will give me more distance. Whether it will or it won't we'll see.
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