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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. You may be right mate...you'd know better than me over your neck of the woods but it does still seem strange. 2 reasons.......1 if it was a gun club and it was only tails they were after then there would be no reason to keep the whole fox and 2..It says the 'fur' was removed and not the actual tail which leads me to believe that either they had a touch of mange or they had been lying around for a few days and when they have been picked up(by the antis) the fur fell off the tails?......Just guessing though bud.... I know people who've claimed to have shot 10+, gathered them up for a photo
  2. Hoping for a Welsh win, demoralise the French enough and they'll hopefully give up for this year
  3. Yeah, got that suggestion elsewhere. Second mount is coming from China, trouble is it'll take a month to arrive. I was looking at UK prices and they want four times the money for the same thing, lol. My few Euro went to the Far East
  4. Completely true. If you look back into the past, people spent a lot bigger % of their "disposable income" on food. Now, it's preferable to spend a lot more of that DI on flat screen TV's, holidays etc. This is a consumer driven issue. People do not inform themselves of what's in what they're eating, or what's not in what they're eating. I'm as guilty of it as anyone else. There are of course people in unenviable financial positions where food can only be cheap, as they don't have the money to buy what I would call "proper food". The bad thing is it'll be them who're the mai
  5. They're the same type who won't get out of the car/van/jeep and walk a place. I doubt any effort would be put into tracking them down, I can't see it being worth while as how do you prove it without recovering a bullet and checking rifles, not gonna happen.
  6. Like the one pictured below, except that the middle section would be a lot longer/taller?
  7. You ever try and talk to someone who'd do something like that Jig? I have, you may as well talk to the next goat hanging in your back yard, you'd make more headway with Billy.
  8. Gobshites, it's not hard to dispose of foxes where they won't bother anyone. This sentence in the report, can a sentence be an oxymoron? "They are only a harmless animal, they were not doing any harm to anyone, it is the height of ignorance."
  9. I've no problem with horse being eaten, once it goes through the food chain properly, doesn't contain medicines it shouldn't, and is labeled horse.
  10. I haven't had a TV since October 24th. Can't say I miss it either.
  11. Completely true. If you look back into the past, people spent a lot bigger % of their "disposable income" on food. Now, it's preferable to spend a lot more of that DI on flat screen TV's, holidays etc. This is a consumer driven issue. People do not inform themselves of what's in what they're eating, or what's not in what they're eating. I'm as guilty of it as anyone else. There are of course people in unenviable financial positions where food can only be cheap, as they don't have the money to buy what I would call "proper food". The bad thing is it'll be them who're the mai
  12. Read "Not on the label", by Felicity Lawrence. But, only if you're on a diet and struggling. Been a long time since I read it so I won't say I agree with it all as I can't remember. I do remember it having a profound effect on my thinking in relation to food.
  13. Your percentages are spot on pal, never a truer word said...... its the same with all the other discovery programs as well,,,,, you look forward to them and then it a big let down What about the 1% he missed out lol, is that the adverts? That's the bit where I drifted off
  14. Hi Liam, Click this >Link<, then follow the link on that post, it's all laid out step by step.
  15. Oh yes! My friend is like that. We were only talking about the potatoes we planted last year. I put mine in the ground St Patricks day, fingers were blue with the cold. I got a very good yield of nice spuds. All he could say is how stunted they were at the start and how no one should do what I did. I got lots of spuds, what's the fupping problem I didn't bother to mention to him how my maincrop were handful size when he went to his patch and could not get a feed for just himself, no doubt I done something wrong there too
  16. Photograph them before going out.
  17. burning the candle at both ends is never a good idea

  18. Went to an introduction to beekeeping meeting tonight Ordered a nuc for some reason, even though I've nothing else sorted out. bit of pressure might get me into action Was very interesting altogether. I'm always surprised by the variety of people that will turn up to the strangest of gatherings.
  19. Too feckin mean to turn on the water for a bath in his own place!
  20. I'm only eyeing my veg patch up at the moment. A bit snowed under by other work at the moment. Planning to plant nearly everything into lazybeds this year. Besides my spuds, what I sowed last year didn't make it Interested to know what everyone else is doing? Love seeing photos too if anyones got any. I haven't yet, but I will.
  21. I wasn't able to post or log on after logging out this morning. Cleared my cookies and everything was right as rain after that.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sillEgUHGC4#!
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