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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Now that's a good question Ossie. I ordered Colleen, Duke of York, Red Duke of York, Maris Peer, Lady Christl, and Epicure. 5 out of 6 bags had labels on them, the sixth bag had no variety on the label and Epicure wasn't one of the five. I did get a call from the online shop maybe a week or so ago saying they wouldn't be getting one of the varieties I ordered. I forgot to return the call and then the box of seed spuds arrived here, there were six bags so I assumed they got everything until I went chitting today. That they're pink fir apple was my first impression as well, I've emailed the
  2. Planted my earlies on St Patricks day last year and they cropped well for me, can't quite remember how long they'll take to chit but I'm not awfully bothered. I have read I can rub the sprouts off a few times if the timing doesn't suit. We're right beside the Atlantic here, so we don't get much frost really.
  3. JohnGalway


    Never could understand deifying celebrities. If it was your neighbour that was a wife beating alcoholic that blew all his job money this thread would hum a very different tune
  4. Started chitting them that is... Not sure I have enough, only 234 I think.........
  5. Pity they didn't take over the laundry (do prisons have laundries?) they could have shoved the f****r into a tumble drier.
  6. Two prisoners arrested? They should be given medals, keep them locked up but they can have medals
  7. I have thought about it and the quesiton that arises is how do they attach the rockets to the asteroids in the first place? Baler twine, it's feckin obvious
  8. I'm waiting for the conspiracy theories, militarisation of space, Gubberment expermentation on real life populations, US (because no Gubberment is as Evil as the US Gubbererment don't ya know) will have fleets of small rocket engines that can be attached to asteroids to steer them towards targets on Earth, they detach before hitting the atmosphere so there's no evidence left. Think about it............................
  9. Sometimes I feel sad for humanity, sometimes I think people reap what they sow, and sometimes I am genuinely surprised by outright stupidity. http://www.smh.com.au/world/too-much-cocacola-killed-mother-coroner-20130212-2eab8.html
  10. I saw it on a survivalism sub forum of another site Buster. Mal, I could give a long answer to that, but discretion is the better part of valour
  11. If we didn't play GAA t'would be 100, not 10
  12. I would generally advise people to avoid it.
  13. Feels like it some days! Not sure about eating my shoes though, can't think whatever is in them would do my digestion any favours
  14. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/For-40-Years-This-Russian-Family-Was-Cut-Off-From-Human-Contact-Unaware-of-World-War-II-188843001.html
  15. In Dublin. And 10 more again with a bit of luck
  16. Looks like footrot, somewhat common (and altogether unwanted) to sheep depending on a few factors.
  17. My thinking is that it was down to the moisture in the air. I am doubtful it's to do with the moderator. Holding a light waist height and looking at something is different to holding a light eye/scope height and looking at something while also looking down the beam. I think.
  18. Delighted now I went to the bee lecture !
  19. Findus could use this music for the cowboy pic above
  20. Crap, just realised I'll probably miss this game tomorrow.
  21. Makes a change from Dingos I spose.
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