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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Some up here, not too many though. They're easily caught.
  2. I've been Googling, asking elsewhere and receiving PM's about this today. Andy, those types of set up's you describe are called Duck Decoys There's some very interesting reading out there, it just highlights how innovative people can be when options like firearms aren't available.
  3. Maybe if the trap was raised up a bit and some bait, say catfood, put into the catch compartments it might help. It'd stop them dancing around it anyway but not on top of it.
  4. Cheers for that Local It's an interesting take I'd not considered, though once you mentioned it I remember years back my day co owned a fishing boat with my uncle. I'd always be down at the quay messing around and used to use bits of fish or limpets on fishing line to annoy the seagulls
  5. Hi folks, I've been pondering this the last few days, don't ask me where the thought originated from but I've been wondering how people caught ducks before shooting them, or in areas where they can't be shot. I don't intend to do it, it is something that's in my head and won't go away. So are there specific duck traps? Or what techniques were used long ago to catch the little quackers? Yours sincerely, Idle on T'interweb.
  6. Damn it Kay, if only I'd known that Monday
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