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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Needs a little black number and a bit of lippy
  2. This is good for zeroing an inch high at 100 yards, real easy to see too. http://www.mytargets.com/target107varmint.pdf
  3. Like babies sucking sour milk sometimes Be worse if everyone agreed on everything all the same.
  4. Sheep are often dosed though, and there are withdrawal periods on most medicines put into them. My opinion is it'd a lot easier to stop game poaching than those kind of attacks which could occur most anywhere there is stock kept.
  5. You put a patch on or through the jag, soak the patch in solvent and away you go.
  6. I'll have to check them out, unless I'm going blind they do not appear to wrap right round the tube, have to admit I don't think I have ever seen that before!! Looking at the results I take it they work ok and you are happy with them!?!? Cheers They're OK, I wouldn't say they're anything special to be honest. If I had the money I'd be going for some fancy brand or other. They do go all the way around the tube.
  7. I know Snap, I'm just skint I'll keep looking for another while, got a 50W bulb in at the moment and honestly it's not too bad at all.
  8. Cheers Deker, they're Warne mounts, don't ask me what size though.
  9. It has not been the nicest of days. Bucketing it down in fits and starts. I've spent the day semi drenched sorting out sheep and lambs after a wire gap opened, God knows how. I was still thinking about the night before, wondering if that was 2 or 3 foxes that I'd seen. Either way my phone beeps and I'm informed about another missing hen in less than 160 characters. Back home, farting around the interweb for a while, I check on the weather. There's supposed to be a spell of dry, I say dry, they say heavy showers, weather moving in from the Atlantic after dark, it'll do. But, what time will
  10. I know, they just don't cut it compared to the proper ones. I'll take another look on the bay
  11. Media reports Elin is staying only as long as he changes his name to Cheetah Woods.
  12. For my Lightforce 170. I need the spec in the title. But, I'm bitterly opposed to pay the £9.50 + P&P for those on target sports etc type websites. Any sites offering better value for that spec bulb? ATB, John
  13. Are you complicating things too much maybe, is it possible to walk or drive closer and just shoot them that way?
  14. I tell ya, for a gummy fox she was a fat little thing, not the biggest in length but she'd no trouble in getting grub. The old and the injured are always deadly when it comes to taking what's easy. Better off out of it as you rightly say.
  15. I got home form the city a bit later than expected. One of my farmers had texted, we're getting very modern here now ye know, that a hen was missing. I did have a look out last night, although I saw one fox the weather hampered any effort to do something about it, bloody horrible night. Tonight is crystal clear, very cold, calm and we have probably the biggest full moon I've seen in a long time. The hot spots for fox on this farm have been identified long since, so I pick a hill, lay down and wait. I'm there about 25 minutes and have stood up to get warm, frost has settled on the over
  16. Thanks Marie...It was a Hare raising adventure indeed. A great piece of the world you have out west there...Ill be back.. Feckin hell, it's the Terminator, well the semi-terminator anyhow! As per PM Codie, you've nothing to apologise for at all Looking forward to it Clive, just don't take any weather tips from that other lad? Fog, floods, all we needed were the clouds of locusts and the biblical bit would have been taken care of!
  17. Nice one John, have to learn the words for the new year parties. http://www.kovideo.net/lyrics/t/Tommy-Makem/I-Wish-I-Was-Hunting.html
  18. Thought it should go down well here alright :clapper:
  19. Nelson Mandela is sitting at home watching TV and drinking a beer when he hears a knock at the door. When he opens it, he is confronted by a little Japanese man, clutching a clipboard and yelling, "You Sign! You sign!" Behind him is an enormous truck full of car exhausts. Nelson is standing there in complete amazement, when the Japanese man starts to yell louder: "You sign! You sign!" Nelson says to him, "Look, you've obviously got the wrong man", and shuts the door in his face. The next day he hears a knock at the door again. When he opens it, the little Japanese is back with a hu
  20. ASE CQB, A-Tec, or SYSS version of A-Tec would be what I'd be looking at. Due to rust issues and pinhole issues, I don't like the T8/T4 range.
  21. I've seen them for sale both online and over in shops here. I'm not convinced yet, I tried earlier this year to find out exactly how long they last if you run your lamp continiously for the duration you're out, as that's how I lamp usually. People say they last "all night", but what's that? An hour is all night for some, others need a few hours if you're out after that problem fox or whatever. I understand and like the weight saving side of them, can only be a good thing. But, I'd like to see a new 10amp Lithium battery and a new 10amp Lead Acid battery on the same bulb lamps, say either 50W o
  22. In relation to the fees, if you're into rifles then it works out better than the old system. € for three years instead of €38 per year. Shotgun shooters got the raw end of it though, as they were €25 for the first shotgun and €6 per year for subsequent licenses if my memory serves me correctly. I was in the first lot to have to use the new forms, once you sat down seriously to do them most of it was OK. But, they were in too much of a rush to get it done, and a lot of shooters were nervous about not having certain details clarified in time to get work done, such as fitting alarms,
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