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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. Ouch!! Think ill just stick to the one lol Make it 9-10, given the pain level and colours it's gone, fecks sake!
  2. I bet a couple of live ones riled up would call in a heap of magpies
  3. Almost broke my little toe this morning. Socks, toolboxes and being in a hurry don't mix. Have broken 8-9 toes so far
  4. I'd be applying for a flame thrower if I lives near that lot
  5. You've answered your own question. The wiring is shit, but you won't get a better beam from a gun mounted lamp.
  6. Cheers Ian Should be a bit of craic
  7. On some forums I abuse there is a system whereby a member may "thank" another member for a particular post. From what I gather all it is is a form of appreciation to that poster for writing that particular post. So while it doesn't serve any practical purpose in my mind it'd be a shiny new button for us unwashed to press
  8. On that basis, close all the hunting forums to guests. Going to get it hard to get new members in, unless they live local to existing members they're not going to have anyone to vouch for them are they It still doesn't solve the hunting ban problem, which is the cause of no photos being shown.
  9. Of course it will, but the wrong question is being asked. It's like someone saying why the f**k make a film about Titanic, we know the thing sinks. It will not solve the major problem of the hunting ban.
  10. I'm getting a side of lamb from one of my farmers, what're you doing wrong? Kiddin Fair play to ya, it's nice to be nice!
  11. No, complete waste of time and effort.
  12. I imagine the dog men feel more victimised though so they're probably going to be more suspicious. If antis gets their ways they'll be next and finally it's the shooters and fishermen. Like you say we need solidarity. 100% correct.
  13. None of us knows 99.9% of the other members on here. You, me or anyone else could be anyone at all. So being a member proves absolutely nothing. Any dope can get a photo of themselves with a dog (rescue, pound, lifted off a site elsewhere, whatever), tougher with a gun but can be done also. So they get a photo, register, and continue on, nothing solved. I presume by photos you mean ones of dogs and foxes. Fair enough. Best thing you can do is get onto your local politician and bend their ear, repeatedly, politely, and consistently. The squeakiest wheel gets the grease, why are the
  14. Jaysus, ye'll be pullin in the welcome mat next Closed sites stagnate and die
  15. I know what I saw Villebones mentioned dreams. I'd a dream about foxes the last night, I don't often remember them. Walking along the road and saw six or seven foxes in my cousins fields, middle of the day. Back to the house and get the rifle and a little camo. Over to the farm, settle into a nice corner, see a rustle in the rushes... And I feckin wake up! Getting a bit worrying this craic...
  16. Cheers for the offer Hilux. I actually already have two or three spare 100W lightforce bulbs and some 50W ones. I'm looking for a middle of the road option in power consumption and light as most of my power is in a battery on my back. Doing alright with the 50W at the moment, I'll keep an eye out to see if anything comes up.
  17. Hi folks, I was out waiting for a fox during the week. I forget if it was Wednesday or Thursday night, I suspect Wednesday. There was an absolutely massive moon out. I saw something rising out of the village int he distance and didn't pass much notice of it first, thought it may have been a lamp or a car coming up a hill. But, I took more notice of it and I could follow it all the way from the village up the curve and down again to where it met the ground. Certainly a first for me. ATB, John
  18. Upload your pic to Photobucket, once that's done, all you need do is copy and paste the IMG Code to here.
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