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Everything posted by JohnGalway

  1. At 4am one night last March it could have doubled as a fookin deep freeze
  2. I don't have a greenhouse tunnel, but did put up a 42ft x 23ft tunnel for sheep. The most important thing is to keep it where it's meant to be and how it's meant to be. That entails properly securing it to the ground so the entire structure doesn't blow away. Most likely meaning concreting in ground pegs and securely fastening and bracing the hoops. After that comes the cover, use hotspot tape. I was told I'd know when the cover was on tight enough when I couldn't get my fingers between the hotspot tape covered hoop and the plastic itself, and that's pretty tight. Obviously my one for
  3. I'd put it to her this way, given what you said above. That this will give you a purpose, make you feel more useful, and it helps with what's going on in your head. You could mention it's better than taking up gambling, drink, drugs, chain smoking..... But I'd frame it in a therapeutic sense (ironically killing little fluffy bunnies), rabbits dig warrens which can collapse under the weight of a large animal leading to leg injuries, rats spread disease etc. That you have genuinely always been interested in the countryside and this will fit into how you're trying to cope with depression. You're
  4. There's less margin for error. I'd only head shoot a fox with a .22, have done out to yards on a still night, dropped dead. But... All of the foxes senses are located in the head, so if it hears, smells, or sees something, the little target can move suddenly. That versus blowing a large hole in it with a bigger calibre aiming for the heart. That's it in a nutshell, lowering the odds with more damaging round & power, and picking a location less likely to move. They'll still run off if you hit them arseways with a centrefire, but I'd bet they won't survive it unless it's an
  5. It's hard to kill a bad thing Doing SFA, having a look in now and then, thanks for asking
  6. Lol I see what you mean, might give it a go, see it on a few sites lately.
  7. Has anyone here had it, is it worth making?
  8. Bought 24 litres of cloudy apple juice in Lidl yesterday, need to dig out and clean my gear and get some yeast then am away again.
  9. He's not bothering me, but I'll probably get bored and set a trap for him sooner or later
  10. So I was helping my Dad repair storm damage to a fence and stone wall down the bottom of his land. I wasn't well over Christmas/NY so had myself a sit down for a minute on a rock. It was then I noticed a brown head between two rocks on the top of the shore. I whipped out the camera phone and set off in pursuit. Sorry it's not BBC quality camera work but I wasn't exactly prepared! Turn your sound on http://www.flickr.com/photos/111758162@N02/11894610006/
  11. Couple of sheets of tin, couple of sheets of 2"x2" weldmesh, some blocks/bricks. You can make a frame with the mesh, cut out a piece for underneath the stack which sits on blocks to keep it off the ground. The sides can be mesh too, will contain the timber and allow air to flow through. The tin is obviously for the roof. How you join it all up it up to you.
  12. Africans can't run a bath never mind a country, old Nelson like all good communists was happier seeing everyone poor in a hell hole than a few people rich in a well run place. The country will now be systematically raped by various leaders on the payroll of foreign corporations, and we will look back and say "what a lovely place that was once" just like Rhodesia. Another example of how communists free everyone into a living prison . Seeing as you like the eagles mate, I will give you a line: "Freedom, oh freedom......well that's just people talking" Everyone should b
  13. Good to see the voice of oppression is alive and well on THL
  14. He's still looking for me up in Scotland, he hasn't time to be on the internet.
  15. I've read about vixens being buried in 5 gallon drums, with a capped pipe sticking out the top. Capped to stop water getting in, but holes drilled in the sides to let the scent out. Read they were buried in a place surrounded by snares to catch randy feckers homing in on the scent. Fact or fiction I don't know but it does sound to have a bit of sense to it.
  16. Happened me one night, bad ground here, real rough lots of stone walls with sheep fences on top. Calling with the fox call, fox was answering me but not moving, we couldn't see each other. Eventually one of us had to move and it was going to be me. As I got to a wall I spotted him in real close, just as he spotted me. Quick wobbly shot put him down. Just as I had squeezed the trigger my phone rang
  17. They're protected species here, can't touch'em. They dig up my grass in Spring and killed my friends hens before when one stumbled into the hen house. No TB cull in my part of Ireland but I know our Dept used to kill them in places. They're as common as greycrows and magpies around me tbh.
  18. Badger sett near by. Any time I baited a live catch trap with dog biscuits I'd have a feckin black & white in in the morning.
  19. I am considering doing a bit of baiting for my good friend Charles before Spring time. However I don't wish to use, and besides am not allowed as it's a working farm (dead pits not allowed here neither), carcasses etc. Something rather unnoticeable that can be thrown or spilt onto the ground would do, if it works. I read somewhere used fryer oil, does it work? A bit of cat food mushed in for variety perhaps. My friend is a great believer in the theory that birds draw foxes, as in they hear/see them circling and making a racket, like over a carcass. I was thinking of using somet
  20. Done the ladder trap, larsen trap, larsen mate, they all work. I know of the funnel trap, and another made with wire/trawl net on top, not made either. Anything else out there, or a case of nothing new under the sun?
  21. I used a couple of sites to watch series from the US and a couple of movies. Long story short my laptop was filled to the brim with virus etc to the point I had to send it into the laptop venereal clinic to get it cleaned up, €40
  22. Wait now for the "How do I get rid of this horrible smell in my house" thread
  23. Any man who uses chemical weapons against his own people deserves to be bombed from on high. If my country had the capability I'd say the very same thing. But where is the evidence? Why would he do something that was going to guarantee his country being attacked? I think it's complete bullsh*t Any man who uses chemical weapons against his own people deserves to be bombed from on high. If my country had the capability I'd say the very same thing. But where is the evidence? Why would he do something that was going to guarantee his country being attacke
  24. Any man who uses chemical weapons against his own people deserves to be bombed from on high. If my country had the capability I'd say the very same thing. But where is the evidence? Why would he do something that was going to guarantee his country being attacked? I think it's complete bullsh*t Any man who uses chemical weapons against his own people deserves to be bombed from on high. If my country had the capability I'd say the very same thing. But where is the evidence? Why would he do something that was going to guarantee his country being attacke
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