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Everything posted by rickyspringer

  1. as always absolute cracker, the pack all look tip top aswell If I get a lab in the future when I am abit more of an old man this is the stamp I would be after, aswell as having a high hunting instinct. Spot on as always Dave. RS
  2. think all will do the job as good as another, its the eagerness, haven't owned a cocker but heard alot of stories that they will only bramble bash if something is there, where as a springer will do it anyway... Both breeds are great with children, but cockers are supposed to be the easier of the two breeds to switch off and settle in the house. I would go with what you like most, aswell as them being out of bramble bashers.. Dell I am itching to see the strain you keep, my bitch is fairly small also, and she has a huge thirst for bramble i can't keep her out of them, your line is
  3. anyone interested please PM.. not sure of dimensions, maybe 8x4 in very good nick, extended off current house, FREE to collecter
  4. all belters so far, joe the dog looks a machine pal, always impressed when i see them images and skycat cracking bunch mate
  5. spitting image of my neighbours dog, just 3 years younger, she's a pitt X ridgeback put back to a staffy.
  6. Now sorted, thanks anyways, was on the verge of getting a legacy on a W, missus thinks there ugly so it was a no go'er THANKS
  7. A RUNT is not the smallest dog in the litter, its the one which is struggling to cope, may not live and have health problems, the smallest is the smallest, simple as that..
  8. As above, looking for a cheap estate, under a grand, clean Tax & test if anyone has anything drop me a PM.
  9. cracking image, love to see response from the new owner... well done
  10. drop me a pm when back on line, lost your address mate

  11. Hily, i wouldn't suspend training, I find the summer months perfect time for tightening everything up, especially now, lead work re-visit the basics, and slowly progress... the back end of the summer you can get her on the bunnies again, or even in a rabbit pen. She sounds like she's coming on great!
  12. SOME PEOPLE EH TRY MAKE A FEW QUID OFF OWT haha not like most mate, I was saying I have a kennels near me if they need housing, I would pay the fiver a night as thats fair and walk them and clean them, read stuff properly mate,i was thinking of the dogs,not lining my pocket and busterdog hasn't got the space as mentioned..better then them going to a dirty pound....don't have to explain myself though...just hope they get back to their rightful owner. Who's now??
  13. just to say, if a home/kennel space is needed for a few days, I have a place i can use for a £5 a night, I will walk them and clean them out if nothing comes up. Just an option
  14. absolute cracker, good luck with it, sure it will make a good one
  15. dee I don't think it will ever happen mate, £££ drives the gundog world, I think that its possible to pass between friends and favours returned back...thats the best we will get.. True terrier men have got it right!!
  16. haha them irrestible hares Born hunter most dogs will try in there earnest to catch one, the most steady dogs become unsteady around these.. Its not difficult to find an area without distractions, use your imagination, tennis courts, gated car parks, the possibilities are endless just to start the foundations to a steady obedient dog. Dell I'd also disagree on the terriers being a law to themselves, if trained correctly they will do what is asked of them,A spaniel which hasn't been trained correctly is a self employed hunting machine..Who will hunt within the next county without batti
  17. 100% correct Butherboy!! Thats exactly what its all about
  18. Skycat another great post from yourself. TOP MAN I would also like to add that if you want the dog to become that bit more sticky and not so self employed, i'd find a item the dog likes, as Skycat said a rabbit skinned dummy/ tennis ball. I would have the dog always in close proximity and when not watching drop the item around your feet, when the dog keeps finding items near you, it will realise good things come around you... Alot of obedience work needs to be done first, in areas where there is no game so the dog cannot bog off, if there is game about and rewards for the terrier whic
  19. there is a thread a few pages back mate, just done recently.
  20. interesting Kevin, for a keen trailler shooter that would be ideal, the hunting pattern is naturally good, alot of dogs take time and training to work like that for the triallers/shooters.. most dogs in my opinion will use there nose and go where it takes them, that will give the hunt a much more direct approach... Not disagreeing though pal, each dogs different but trialling dogs should smash through any cover... the sprocker you had, had a great working pattern, where the keen hunters want a direct approach, horses for courses as they say
  21. kevin totally disagree mate, dogs of field trial standard should face any cover mate, and they are tested to do so.
  22. water is the key for me, has to have shock value though, works better when they can't see you doing it.
  23. get intouch with nessr, they will point you in a direction, google springer spaniel rescue and they will come up..Northern Springer Spaniel Rescue, or even look on for sale websites, alot come up for rehoming
  24. She's anew recruit isn't she, I would be doing lots of bonding for a few weeks, you and your old fella need to be her best fried without any pressure for a good while, lots of play training and no pressure at all..train her but you don't want her to know that she is being trained if that makes sense, exactly like you treat a pup.. I'd be doing 3 15 mins sessions,
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